Saturday 26 October 2013

On the other side of the veil is a collective of energy ~ Hayleys Writings to Ponder

" On the other side of the veil is a collective of energy , now this in words is hard to explain but it splits out onto and within every single human being, whilst staying on the other side of the veil and without sparking a collective visual recognition.
Try to see it for a moment as a vibration that inherently is within us all, it holds the capabilities of every human upon this earth, it is cooperative , it knows the truth of what is going on within this archonically influenced delusion, if you know this truth, it makes you no better, it merely makes you compatible with a higher vibrational resonance, If you understand what i say here, you are in a minority and seemingly, we will always be in a minority. There is unlikely to be ever a time where all of earth will awaken and know that which we know, that is not the potential of us and has never been the potential of us, Did we know that less than 1 half of 1% of humanity has to awaken, in order for us to do what we will do as a species, for the rest of us as a species to consciously evolve? You will become the light...
 Our whole universe is cooperating with YOU in order to create peace on earth, i wish not to tell you how i know this but i ask for you to hear that not every ship has it's own light-house, Just 1 light house could light the path of a million ships and guide them safely to harbour! Think about that a for a moment..."

Too often we feel we are put in a position with this system of 'life' and we must trudge along within this disharmonic state but why? maybe because our parents did, and their parents did and their parents did and so on; but our system is seeming to be a set-up of which we can never find remedy of any kind within, leading me to the nest step of looking without the system. Why think inside or outside the box when we can eradicate the very box or DEAD legal NAME of which enslaves us?
This life we live is not pre destination like we try to believe to salvage what little defence we have toward our clear ignorance, but pre disposition, that is to say a 'potential only', depending on that what happens next, depending on what each and every man/woman or child chooses to do with the intent to better or elivate the mindstate of humanity thus destroying any archonic system or dellusion put within the mind of man.
Like a parasite the archons feed on our fear and disconnection with our planet/mother thus creating the ability to infiltrate the mind and make us see their virtual reality/Hal/Hell as truth of what reality is... To at least have the pure intent to re-connect to our mother/planet/sophia gaea is enough to spark the frequency required to feel what i am explaining here.
 However with a great 'Life' change there is Always, always a potential of karma so strong it will change the very earth of those whom walk upon it.
 Losing my physical mom was and still can be so debilitating it takes Our family to zero, it beats up Our emotion and makes me grovel on my knees and cry out to god, sometimes in anger, sometimes in desperation, BUT always in an agony i can only equate to sorrow, BUT that agony and desparation  is where i found my light, I know although a split occurred & i've spent the past almost 5 years trying to reconnect, there was never a loss of connection as such, only the loss of visual translation through the physical form. The putting of my moms apparently lifeless body/vessel in the soil sparked within an allegory of putting my love back into the earth which gave me a re-collection of eternity i couldn't begin to explain in words. After that day i could feel the presense/pre-essence of my mom and other 'life' i once thought i had lost forever. This is very difficult (for me anyway) to put into a word form to explain mostly because somethings cannot be expressed nor explained wth words alone.
 On the other side of the veil is a collective of energy, it splits out onto and within every single human being, whilst staying on the other side of the veil and without sparking a collective visual recognition.
Try to see it for a moment as a vibration that inherently is within us all, it holds the capabilities of every human being upon this earth, it is cooperative , it knows the truth of what is going on, if you know this truth, it makes you no better, it merely makes you compatible with a higher vibrational resonance within the present now. If you understand what i say here, you are in a minority and seemingly, we will always be in a minority. There is unlikely to be ever a time where all of earth will awaken and know that which we know, that is not the potential of us and has never been the potential of us, Did we know that less than 1 half of 1% of humanity has to awaken, in order for us to do what we will do as a species, for the rest of us as a species to consciously evolve? You will become the light...
 Our whole universe is cooperating with YOU in order to co-create peace on earth and eradicate this virus of mind once and for all.
 "Not every ship has it's own light-house, Just 1 light house could light the path of a million ships and guide them safely to harbour, so long as it holds onto to the light it was given!" 

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