Saturday 26 October 2013


TYPES OF ANGELS  that  you may call upon for assistance

The term "Angels" is a generic term for a bunch of heavenly beings.  They are all in Service to God. Remember, Angels are Spirit, the Office that defines them is one of a messenger.
According to custom, there are several technical Orders of Angelic Beings. I will go over them briefly, but I am not concerned with the technical terms. I do not wish to dwell on this hierarchy. If you are interested in the hierarchy, there is a lot of information out there. This organization of Angels came from a sixth century book by Dionysus the Areopagite, a Disciple of St. Paul, and is considered the standard in the Western World.

Remember, these Beings are Spirit, it is the nature of their work with humans, that make them "Angels" or messengers.

The First Sphere, heavenly counselors:

Second Sphere, heavenly governors:

Third Sphere, heavenly messengers.

Of interest to me, in particular, are the "Angels".
These "Angels" are the traditional Guardian Angels, but it might be more appropriate to think of them as our Companions and Guides, as they help to guide us to a higher consciousness and awareness. These angels are usually the personal 'Companion Angels' that help us, although it is not always the case. Angels that work with humans will vary as to the type of work that they're involved in and our specific needs.

There are many types of Beings that you can work with. The following is an incomplete list of them, but should help you to get the idea. I suggest that for general purposes, you ask for help from the Being that is appropriate to your situation.

Angels respond to our sincere request for help. That sincerity is all that you need to work with them.

These Beings hear our cries and pleas for help and in their Love for us, they come. So don't try to control anything, just leave it up to them!

Remember, these Beings are not available for strictly selfish purposes. They are all here PRIMARILY for your spiritual growth and well being. So here is a list of some of the types of Angels that you may be interacting with:

Angels of Metamorphosis and Change. Like the caterpillar that changes to the butterfly, these spirits deal with matters of life and death and birth, both physical and spiritual. Concerned with endings and beginnings, they help you to prepare for a transformation or metamorphosis that will occur in your life. It may be painful, but it will be worth it.

Mission Angels. You are looking for the purpose and the mission of your life. Ask for assistance and begin to understand your mission, as well as your deepest hopes and dreams.

Relationship Angels. These helpers work with couples, groups and all relationships. If there is a relationship in your life that needs healing, invite one into your relationship or group situation and ask for healing, a transmutation or moderation of the issues involved.

Angels of Communication. They will help you in all matters involving communication, and when you think of it, communication is essential in many areas of life. Ask them for the clarity you need and the understanding to be able to not only get your point across, but to understand where the other person(s) is/are coming from.

Angels of Grace. Grace comes into our life and changes us forever after. They assist us in becoming aware of the joy in our lives or to let it into our lives, more fully. Smile! They remind us to grant Grace to another Being. We are all connected.

Angels of Growth. These gentle beings help us when we are ready to grow. They help to improve us and to restore our inner balance. They can also transform our physical bodies and increase our capacity for awareness. This process can be unsettling and disconcerting. At times you may experience aching, flu-like symptoms when they work on you. If you feel aching and feverish, yet are not really sick; if it clears up in a few days and then you feel great, you have been worked on by this spirit!

Angel of Harmony. This harmony and balance allows all of the Universe to manifest and grow. This allows true creativity. The harmony is the connection and Oneness with all. This Angel allows you to understand that you are an instrument of transformation. Leave a space for peace and harmony to enter your life.

Angels of the Outdoors. The so-called Devas, Fairies, Gnomes, Elves, Dryads, etc. Also the spirits of the wind, rain, lightening, etc. They live in the plants, trees, animals, rocks, streams, lakes, etc. They work with people to bring us into balance with Nature and the outdoors.

The Dream Master and other Dream Angels. Call for this Master or his helpers when you are drifting off. They may take you to other planes of reality. If you ask, one will come to help open your eyes to the illusion and the reality in your life. Always a surprise! Ask for answers to your problems and questions in Dreams. Expect Guidance from a dream.

Angels of Unity . These friends remind us of the harmony in life. Unite with one; pray, focus on one, meditate or just reach out. Feel the Oneness with all living things.

Renewal Angels. You have an aspect of your life that has limited you in some way, this has interfered with your Wellness of body, mind or spirit. Perhaps you are now ready to let go, be cleansed or healed. Trust and let go! These fellows help us to fully accept our limitations and then to move beyond them.

Angels of Integration and Balance. They help to bring us to balance! They deal with us in our extremes. If we are speeding through life, they help us to slow down. If we are sluggish, they help to jazz us up! They also are experts with the integration of your personality. Few of us can do without their help! This energy helps us to balance our lives, in every way.

Insight Angels. These Angels give information to any who seek it. The information can come directly through speaking, writing, intuition, etc. or indirectly, by Guidance. (In a book, movie, snatches of song, etc.) They love to work in spiritual workshops such as these!

Angels of Inventions and Creativity. These friends remind us that all is of God, including our creations and high tech tools! Computers, keyboards, power tools, etc. If you treat your tools and your creations with reverence, they will be blessed and dedicated to the service of God.

Angels of Compassion. These Angels remind us to have compassion and empathy for all of life. Be of assistance to someone and learn the power of charity. It will bring you joy and blessings!

Dissolving Angels. These friends help us let go of things that we don't need anymore! You can't stop the change and it can be painful if we are holding onto something or someone that we need to let go of to go. Let this friend help you to dissolve the old worn out ties that bind you. Let go!

Memory Angels. These Angels help us to bring forgotten memories into your conscious mind. Call on this friend when you need to remember something. It is said that these Angels work with Balancing and integrating Angels, which makes sense!

Angels of Laughter and Joy. This friend helps us to remember to lighten up! When we let ourselves laugh, things don't look so bad. They urge you to do something for yourself that will make you feel good. Open up to laughter and light!

Angels of Trust. These friends help us to trust---ourselves and others. Let go of your fears and dare to trust!

Angels of Hope. This friend reminds us that everything we do DOES make a difference. Allow hope into your life and see the results. The change begins here!

Angels of Acceptance. This Being helps us to begin to accept life. Also concerned with self-love. Call on them to learn about acceptance of ourselves, others and every situation that arises. When you feel that forgiveness is necessary, remember that it is but a step on the path of acceptance and unconditional love for others.

Angels of Clarity. When confusion reigns supreme, call upon this friend to understand the details and peculiarities of the situation. The most sensitive person cannot make use of their gifts to the fullest without clarity.

Angels of Patience. They remind us that patience is an asset that we can all make use of. When we feel that things just aren't going fast enough to suit us, call upon this friend to help us to be patient.

An Angel of Manifestation. Yes, these friends can and will help us to manifest things that we really need for our highest spiritual growth. If it doesn't fall in this category, though, you may be out of luck. And remember, they know if it really is in your best interests or not!! Remember the saying that "you should be careful what you ask for...because you might get it"! State your intent clearly and then be ready for the answer.

An Angel of Silence. When we need to be still and to listen to our small, quiet voice inside, whether that of our High Self or our Angels, ask for this friend to help. "Be still and know yourself; be still and know God." Also helpful when we need help with what to say and what NOT to say!

An Angel of Tolerance. Tolerance is a remedy for anger, lust, jealousy, gossiping, resentment, criticism, tantrums, etc. If you get into a turmoil, this friend will help you. There is no judgement to be found here, only acceptance.

An Angel of Love. This Angel is not to be confused with desire for things of the physical, whether people or things. This Being represents the ability to master every adverse condition known to Human Beings. This type of Love is the Glue of the Universe. Let it make you whole.

An Angel of Discernment and Truth. This Being helps you to begin to understand what is good for your spiritual development and growth and what is a waste of your time. Ask for help to see these areas clearly, for yourself, so that you may develop discernment.

An Angel of Detachment. Detachment is a key step in the path to Self-Mastery. It is very normal for people to have desires, goals, wishes, etc....what can be a problem is an inappropriate attachment to having these things or to the outcome of a situation you have counted on. This stands in the way of our development spiritually. Ask for help in practicing loving detachment.

OUR OWN "COMPANIONS ALONG THE WAY" These are our dear Guardian Angels and Guides that stay with us, help us, teach us, put up with us and love us no matter what! They can serve in most of the capacities above at some point or another and are always, uniquely themselves.

A Person who acts in an Angelic capacity. Sometimes a person comes into our lives and gives us what we really need. It could be Guidance, a loan, a kind word, or anything we need. This person may be a stranger, a relative, a friend, anyone. When a person acts in this capacity, they are acting as a helper of the Universe. Beings of all types can be aligned and utilized in this way, including YOU!


People have a tendency to think that all communication is like the movies will show----you see a vision of this magnificent Being and start to have a nice conversation! This is rarely the case and people sometimes will be upset or discount their experiences until they drop their expectations and begin to understand the different methods and combinations of methods that they use to get through to us. There are endless ways that they may use to reach you!

AUDITORY: You may hear a voice. It may sound a lot like yours, or it may be unfamiliar and / or accented. Music may be heard, before or during a message or music may be the message, like when some fragment of a tune may keep running through your head. Meditative, soul-vibration music can evoke feelings that prove to be quite accurate. You may compose or channel music, if you are so inclined. You may be "pushed" to turn on the radio at just the right time to hear a snatch of a song that has a message in it. People in our culture tend to be more open to music than many forms of communication.

VISUAL: This is when you actually "see" the Angels and Masters, or you may be seeing symbols or pictures in your mind, or maybe around a person you are talking to. You may see something over and over again, put in your path by your Angel. In your meditations you see images that your Angel has sent you. They can be fragments, or follow a story line. Or you can see something ordinary and in that moment, it becomes overlaid with meaning. Or you may recall some memory from this life or a past-life that relates directly to what you are questing about. Colors can become very significant also. We tend to place an emotion with a color in a very personal way, so seeing a color "jump out at you" can be meaningful. The pictures may be like a slide show, rather than a movie.

UNIVERSAL SYMBOLS: (Jungian, Gestalt, personal) These are your personal totems, including symbols, animals, etc. This type of communication can also include the use of various types of tools that utilize symbols, such as the Tarot, I Ching, Numerology, Runes, Astrological charts, etc. Nearly everyone has seen objects in clouds, curtains, walls, etc. Messages can be transmitted in this fashion. Symbols that we receive may be ones that "haunt" us for years and require the gradual unfolding and processing of years of work. (For many years I saw the image of a blue pyramid, which was meaningless until I had an insight, as an adult). Animals, insects, etc. can also bear messages, although it is not as common in this culture as it is in others.

KINESTHETIC: You feel their energy field brush through or immerse yours (This can be subtle or profound). You may feel a touch on the shoulder, or elsewhere, depending on each persons' receptivity to touch. This is a fairly common occurrence. Other common forms of kinesthetic communications include automatic writing, sculpting, painting, drawing, etc.

VERBAL: This is when you open your mouth and you hear something amazing come out and you wonder "Where did that come from"?!

DREAMS: Your Angels speak to you through your dreams. Dreams need to be remembered to be of the most benefit to you, however. Therefore, it is NECESSARY to keep a dream journal, especially in the beginning. The dreams may be censored in some manner, protecting you from spiritual shocks by disguising the message. Your Angels may look different than they would at normal times, but you suspect, feel or "know" it is actually them, no matter how they look. The way they look may have a direct bearing on where you are at in your life at this time. It can be quite comical or dramatic; they have to go to great lengths at times to get your attention! We will cover dreams more later.

OLFACTORY: You may perceive an intense smell or fragrance that is closely associated with some feeling, memory or experience in the past or future. (As an event unfolds, you may remember that you smelled this odor before, and it may give you a much needed clue as to what is going on.)

TASTE: All senses can be utilized, including taste. It is used as a symbol, much the way a smell is. i.e. chicken soup. An analogy about taste is included later in the class.

INTELLECTUAL / TELEPATHIC: This is a seed thought which is "planted" and expands from the center of your mind, radiating into your mind as a sudden awareness. It is a very complete awareness.

KNOWINGNESS: This is hard to explain to someone who has not experienced it, but it is the most common form of communication. Closely related to the intellectual / telepathic method, you simply have an absolute certainty about some event, question, situation, etc., and know exactly what the answer, action to be taken, etc., is. No one can convince you otherwise, People tend to underestimate the power and real elegance of this method.

ACTUAL PHYSICAL PRESENCE: This probably happens quite a bit, however, most people will not recognize them at the time! For most, this method will usually be used in unusual situations, ot in emergencies, and not by all Angels.

THE FEELING OF A PRESENCE: This type of awareness is quite important and needs to be mentioned. It is the hard to define, yet very definite feeling of a "presence," an Energetic Quality. This may be accompanied by feelings of great love emanating from the presence. This is often felt over a shoulder. Female energy is often over the left, male over the right, but this is not a hard and fast rule. This is also a very common form of experience.

HIGH SELF: The High Self is a kind of reflection of the soul. It is the closest we come to our to our individual essence while in the physical body. The High Self is the means we use to reach our Guides, and as stated earlier, the ability to interact and communicate with our Guides depends upon the clarity of the connection with the High Self. That clarity and communication depends upon being "Grounded". The integration with the High Self is a process of moving into and out of harmony with ourselves, over and over.
Sometimes it seems as if we are "in the flow" and everything is moving easily and effortlessly. Other times it may not be that simple. Sometimes it can seem like we will never feel that ease again. This is a natural rhythm of life and as the saying goes: "what goes up, must come down". The opposite is also true. If you are in a time where your communication is just not happening, stop trying, give it a rest and know that it will start again. Maybe you have been overdoing it and need to take a break! Be patient!!
As time goes on and our commitment is strong, we move into the flow for longer and longer periods of time. But it is not a linear process. It is two steps forward and one back. The High Self is not a Guide, but it is often called an "inner teacher". (This is different from the Inner Master-- the Inner Master is a real Being who is there to Guide you.) Some paths consider the High Self a separate entity, but the High Self is best considered as part of the interrelated whole.

"Waking Dreams" This is a strange and wonderful way that your Angel will communicate with you. This works for almost anyone. It involves having a sign or a symbol that is meaningful to you, that serves as a link or a cue from your Angel to you. It boils down to an increase in your awareness, everyday.  Awareness of  your surroundings, your feelings, thoughts, etc.  It is an almost magical way that these methods come together for some people.
It can be a very simple event, such as meeting someone on a bus -- a total stranger-- and having a conversation somehow begin, about the exact  thing that was bothering you. You go away feeling much better, musing on how nice it was that you needed that very conversation to help you get perspective, and then, what do you know, there it was...
It can be more complex, taking the form of a series of coincidences or happenings that give you information, warnings, reassurances; whatever you need for your spiritual growth.  If I hear the same thing three times from three different sources over a week or so, then I start to pay attention to that information. It almost always proves to be something valuable to my growth.

Our Angel friends don't know everything, and they may specialize in certain areas, just as we do. Don't expect them to be able to do it all!

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