Saturday 26 October 2013

Metaphysical Properties and Uses of some Common Gemstones, Minerals and Crystals

Metaphysical Properties and Uses of some Common Gemstones, Minerals and Crystals


Agate is well known for balancing the subtle energies. It is said to assist with protection, (especially of children) impart courage and help with healing. Agate is thought to enhance creativity and is used by student and artists. It’s said to increase energy in bursts, and so may be used when a big ‘push’ is needed.  In ages past, people put agate in their drinking water to dispel sickness.

Blue Lace Agate  is used to induce high states of consciousness.  It is great for the throat chakra and communication.  In Crystal Healing it is also used to strengthen bones and help arthritis.

Botswana Agate   Helps with attentiveness to detail. Energizes subtle bodies.  Stimulates exploration of the unknown.

Crazy Lace Agate  is a balancing and protecting stone. It brings laughter and absorbs emotional pain. Crazy Lace Agate is used to help with decision making by balancing the physical, emotional, and mental so that it is easy to make decisions. It also helps one stay focused. It is generally a protective stone, but is particularly emotionally protective. It is also said to ward off the "evil eye." Physically, crazy lace agate is excellent for increasing stamina and energy, and is good for skin disorders such as acne, eczema, etc., is beneficial for the endocrine system and the heart.

Fire agate is a stone of protection courage and strength. It is said to alleviate fears, calm the emotions and reflect threats back to the source. It has long been used to boost and enhance psychic talents. It is said to perfectly balance the tin and yang: male and female energies. Fire agate has been used by Shamans and others to heighten the ability to see and bring back pictures and memories from other realms and lives. In Crystal Healing, it is used to enhance all natural healing abilities and works with circulatory system and lower digestive system. It is associated with the second and third Chakras.

Moss Agate is sometimes called the ‘Gardener’s Stone.” It’s said to lead one towards agreeability and bring about abundance, success, and prosperity.  It is used to improve self-esteem and strengthen positive personality traits and decrease stress levels. Moss agate, like all agate is also a protective stone. It is said to reduce the difficulties associated with overcoming addictive behaviors. Moss agate is associated with the heart chakra. It’s a stone of love and friendship. In crystal healing it is used to helps with digestive or intestinal disorders.

Orbicular or “Cat’s Eye” Agate   Used to treat growths, and stimulate regenerative powers of the body.  Attunes one to other planets of this solar system.

Purple Agate Used to stimulate empathy and compassion for others.

Lake Superior Agate   Elevates one’s personal worth.  Furthers confidence in exploring mythical and mystical realms.

Agatized Coral   Used to support trauma therapy.  Assists in working through emotional issues from dysfunctional families.

Amazonite comes in several colors: a light mint green to aqua green stone. It aligns the physical and astral bodies and is useful to enhance your intuition and psychic abilities. It has also been used to increase creativity. Amazonite is associated with the throat chakra, and as such, can be beneficial to communication, and gaining insight and understanding of your personal truths, and how you may best express them.  It is known as a stone of truth, honor, integrity and trust. It is said to lessen stress and self-defeating behaviors by calming and building self-esteem. Amazonite has been used by Shamans to help the dying peacefully leave and transition out of this life. It is said to heal emotional trauma. It has been used in crystal healing for an overall increase of one’s vitality, boosting one's general level of heath. It’s been used to decrease heart problems and help the nervous system. Some Crystal Healers also use it to decrease osteoporosis and tooth decay. Amazonite can be used very successfully with chanting.

Amethyst is a stabilizing energy, thought to assist in learning to trust your connection to the Divine and acknowledge the Guidance received. It also supports and assists in stopping self abuse. It brings calm, inner peace, courage and balance. It has been used to protect against psychic attacks. Amethyst is associated with the third eye and the crown chakras. Amethyst is used as protection for travelers. Amethyst is associated with Angels and is an excellent stone for meditation or dream work, past life work

Amethyst has also been used to help ease the pain of grief. It is reputed to be useful when working through money issues and legal problems. It’s often been called a stone of prosperity and abundance. In Crystal healing Amethyst is said to beneficial when overcoming any kind of addiction.  It is also used for compulsive behaviors and addictions of all kinds.

Chevron Amethyst  is used for clearing the aura and to release tension.  It is excellent for inner journeying.

‘Amethyst Flower’ is a stone of love, healing and many Blessings. It aids the user in forgiveness self and others. It is also used to discover your life’s purpose.

Ammonite   Assists one in seeing the ‘whole picture.’  Protective, adds stability to user.  Eases birthing pains.

Blue Apatite   Assists in defining and understanding ones meaning and uniqueness in this life.  Aids in the  release of difficulties.

Aquamarine   Release, cleansing, letting go, acceptance of others, aids in communication. Calming.

Aragonite   Insight into problems.  Facilitates centering of self during preparation for meditation.  Can stimulate communication with higher planes.

Blue  Aventurine     (Rare)   Activates and clears heart chakra.  Promotes communication with angels and spirit guides.

Green  Aventurine ranges in color from golden brown to green. It is used for activating growth and renewal. It’s excellent for clearing the heart chakra.  It helps us get moving again after we’ve been stuck for a while. Aventurine enhances creativity, success in business, independence, prosperity, calmness and balance. Known for inducing the ability to see the potential in a situation, as well as enhance the intellect and mental clarity.  It is also said to bring luck, especially in games of chance! It is a gentle stone what is used to impart a  sense of calm and balance.
In Crystal Healing work, Green Aventurine is considered to be especially healing of mind and body. It is used to improve the circulatory system, help with headaches and sleep disorders. It is said to improve ones general health. Aventurine is associated with the heart chakra.

Amber is excellent for inner child work and past life work. Amber is a soothing stone that is both calming, yet energizing. It is said to bring clarity of thought and wisdom. Often used to draw out negative energy to cleanse an environment. It is used to ease physical pain in the same manner. It has long been considered as a good luck charm for marriage. It is also good for psychic shielding and protection. Amber is associated with the solar plexus chakra, and sometimes the sacral chakra. In Crystal Healing, amber is a powerful tool! Amber is used to aid bone problems, heart problems, circulation, ears, hearing problems, endocrine imbalances, fibromyalgia, intestinal/digestive disorders, kidney, bladder, lungs, and general healing purposes.

Ametrine   has the qualities of Amethysts and Citrine, additionally it is used to disperse negativity from the aura.  It has been used for eons to assist one in reaching higher states during meditation.

Angelite is a stone used to connect with the Angelic realm, including angels, guides, otherworldly beings, and even your High Self. It is thought to bring serenity, inner peace, and a sense of calm and encourage forgiveness. It is very useful when you are stressed and feeling overwhelmed - just let the peace seep into you. Angelite is useful for enhancing telepathic communication, intuition and psychic awareness. It’s also useful for increasing a couple’s or a group’s ability to communicate more effectively.  In Crystal Healing it’s used for the thymus gland, heart function and the circulatory system. It balances polarity, aligns the physical and etheric bodies, and provides a protective field as you do so. It is associated with the throat chakra and the Third Eye Chakra.

Azurite eases feelings of anxiety and worry.  It helps in receiving Guidance through the third eye.  Promotes easing of arthritis pain and relief of joint pain.

Barite    Assists those working through old fears and hatreds to transform them to love and acceptance.  Allows for release of trapped emotions.

Basalt encourages compassionate detachment and supports anyone going through intense changes. It also assists with emotional tranquility, stability and patience. It offers a sense of wellbeing and peace. It helps to allow creativity to flow through the user.  It is protective and reflects negativity. It is associated with the Third Chakra (solar plexus.)

Bloodstone has long been called the ‘stone of courage.’ It is often used for emotional healing, purification, good fortune and renewal, especially to all kinds of relationships. It is also called Heliotrope. It is a deep green stone with small red specks. These red specks are what gives the stone its name.
In stressful situations, bloodstone is said to be very calming. It is also used to aid in working through grief and traumas. People have often kept bloodstone in any area thought to need a continuous cleansing of the energy as it is said to ease energy flows.
Bloodstone is excellent for balance and grounding and has been used to bring energy to the user. Some believe it is useful in legal issues, probably because it is believed to help release blocks and support decision making.
It is strongly associated with the heart chakra first and also the root, sacral (2nd) and Soar Plexus (3rd) chakras.
In Crystal Healing, it is used in numerous ways. It is often given to chemotherapy patients, people with high blood pressure, and problems of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems, the endrocrine system, kidney and bladder.  It has also traditionally been given to people after surgery and after any kind of trauma.

Bismuth   Relieves feelings of isolation and loneliness.  Assists in transit between physical and astral planes.

 Cacoxenite is a mineral that is commonly fond as an inclusion in quartz, especially as inclusions in amethyst. It is a power stone of the Shaman, excellent when used to enhance many types of psychic abilities, including clairaudience, clairvoyance, telepathy and channeling.

Calcite  Spontaneity!  Creativity, acceptance of change, channeling excess energy into creative areas or areas of service to others.

Blue calcite is a very calming and soothing stone. It has been used extensively for reducing stress. Calcite of all kinds amplifies energies and Blue Calcite is no exception. It increases the available energy to the throat chakra. This makes it a great amplifier of thoughts and is very beneficial for all kinds of communication and decision making.
It has been used to aid in public speaking, as well as in talking with someone intimidating or in authority, because it calms upset nerves and helps one to state their opinions clearly and calmly.
Because of this, it is also said to ease the way in group discussions for acceptance of opposing viewpoints, allowing groups to come to consensus opinions.
Students of all ages have used the energy of Blue Calcite to help them retain lessons and improve memory. Shamanic students use it to remember their astral travels.
In Crystal Healing, blue calcite is widely used for the throat area and thyroid.  It is also used for insomnia as well as ailments of the joints and arthritis. Some have used it for the lungs and high blood pressure. Blue calcite is associated with the throat chakra.

Orange calcite is used as an aid to restore mental and emotional equilibrium. Orange calcite is also used to give a gentle boost to psychic abilities and intuition. Orange calcite can relieve fear and depression and well as the associated feelings that go with intense trauma, such as accidents, rape, divorce. Etc. It has been used to calm suicidal thoughts. It is thought to be particularly helpful with phobias. Physically, orange calcite is thought to be helpful for chronic fatigue, the reproductive system, genitals, intestines, irritable bowel syndrome, kidneys and bone growth. It is also helpful for balancing sexual energies. Orange calcite is associated with the second chakra.

Carnelian is thought to open your heart and bring joy. It supports one’s individuality and courage. Carnelian signifies the male aspect of Spirit. A keyword would be Action!  One phrase associated with it is ‘God helps those who help themselves.’   Carnelian is thought to Fortify and strengthen the body. Like all in the agate family, it is a protective stone, and thought to bring good luck and the ability to manifest ones’ desires.  Carnelian has traditionally been used to help ease sorrow and protect from anger, envy jealousy and fear. It is thought to act as a memory aid, including the recall of past lives. In crystal healing, carnelian has been used to heal open sores, kidney stones and other kidney problems and allergies. Shaman’s have given this stone to assist one in finding the right mate and stabilize energy in the home. It has been called the "actor's stone."  Carnelian is associated with the root and sacral chakras.

Cat’s Eye is a lab grown stone, and is used in fiber optic cable. Metaphysically it is used to stimulate intuition and awareness, allowing greater insight into situations. It is said to impart a feeling of calm and serene happiness, as well as balance, during the changes and transformations that life brings to us.

Celestite (also known as Celestine) is an Angelic stone. It is said to promote harmony, peace and love. It is used to communicate and connect to the Angelic vibrations, as well as assist in communication with ones own Guardian Angel. Celestite is used in meditation, to reach a deeper level and to move through and past fear and worry. It is used to enhance creativity and comprehension, and is therefore good when faced with a problem that needs solving. Celestite has been said to cleanse the aura and the chakras.
In Crystal Healing, it is used for mental disorders, eye problems, and digestive problems. Celestite is associated with the throat and crown chakras.

Chaorite is called a Stone of Transformation. It is a very powerful stone, transforming and releasing negative emotions such as fear, anger and feelings of victimization into courage, insight, creativity and assertiveness. This release allows the user to see more clearly.
This clarity also assists in better psychic impressions. Long esteemed as a spiritual stone, it is thought to strengthen the connection between the heart and the crown chakras, allowing the user to grow spiritually. People who wish to be of service to humanity are drawn to this stone as it aids in the acceptance of others. It is a creative vibration, and the stone has been used to help lengthen the attention span.
Psychically it is used for clairvoyance, precognition and also to remove or release entities. Crystal Healers use Chaorite for all kinds of ailments, from headaches and liver problems to heart and eye problems. It is a soothing, yet energetic stone. It is associated with the Crown and Heart Chakras.

Chrysocolla makes one aware the ‘Sound Current’, which is one way humans on the Earth Plane can perceive the ‘Holy Spirit.’  It is a ‘Light Being’ stone.

Chrysanthemum Stone is known as a stone of harmony and change.  It is thought to promote the renewal of old friendships.  Its message is ‘Enjoy each moment!’ It is associated with the heart chakra.

Chrysoprase is very powerful stone with multiple uses, all of them very desirable and beneficial. Many people have worn it through the ages to manifest prosperity, abundance and bring business success. It is also a stone traditionally used to bring happiness to the wearer as it is thought to dispel negative thoughts, calm anger and sooth irritability.  It is also called the stone of Courage, for it is reputed to bring the awareness of ones inner convictions and the courage to follow through with them to the wearer. It is said to  enhance and strengthen friendships. Chrysoprase is a stone used to balance and equalize the male/female, yin/yang energies and allow one to reach deep meditative states. It is used in crystal healing for eye problems and immune systems problems. Chrysoprase is related to the heart chakra, which it activates, opens and energizes and aids in releasing stress and healing 'heartbreak.' It is also used to align the chakras.

Citrine is called a Stone of Manifestation and Success.  Citrine is said to be beneficial for business and commerce. It’s been known to bring good fortune and happiness, - sometimes in very unexpected ways!  It has been used to promote success and abundance for countless generations. Citrine is said to enhance confidence and mental clarity.
It is also used for letting go of outmoded beliefs, fears, thoughts and desires that do not serve us.  It’s been used to help with nightmares and is thought to help with OCD – obsessive-compulsive disorder. It’s used for digestive problems and helps to clear third chakra blockages. It is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra.

Copper Combats tiredness, passivity, restlessness.  Stimulates optimism, repels negative entities.  Used in treatment of arthritis.

White Coral   Stimulates clairaudience, dissipates energy blocks in the physical body.  Fills holes/voids in ones aura.

Corundum   Enhances intuition, provides insight into the unknown.  Stimulates ambition and confidence.

Cubic Zirconia (Ziconium) is a man stone and is widely used to replace diamonds. It has the properties of virtue and unification. It is said to assist one with bringing continuity to activities and seeing situations from different points of view. It is used to gather and store information.

Cuprite   Stimulates the root chakra and assists in Grounding.  Reduces worry.  Used in the treatment of water retention and vertigo.

Danburite     Effects the etheric body, helping attune you to spirits, especially  Angels, fairies, and Light Beings.

Dolomite   Encourages charity.  Relieves sorrow.  Aids creativity and induces stamina.

Emerald enhances joy and helps with balance! It is used for cleansing, and to enhance clairvoyance, intuition and memory. Emerald is known as a stone of love, faith and romance. It is also said to help with productive communication and to encourage truthfulness.  It has been used as a stress reducer and to teach one to ‘just let it go. Emerald is associated with the heart chakra.

Enhydrated Crystals   (Crystals with ancient water sealed inside)  Helps put people in touch with other’s feeling.  Encourages compassion and empathy.  Contains vital energies.  Reduces stress.  Excellent for bringing about healing.

Fluorite is calming and peaceful, helping to cultivate and support the self-discipline necessary to achieve a meditative state. It works with the conscious mind. It is useful in getting your thoughts in order, aids in emotional detachment in a situation. It is thought to amplify analytical abilities. An aid in meditation because it affects the conscious mind, calming and soothing strong emotions and quieting thoughts.  It aids in relieving depression or anger. Fluorite is a protective stone. Some use fluorite to reinforce and enhance the effects of other stones.

Fuchsite is a light bluish -greenish stone, which may serve as a matrix for ruby crystals to grow in.  It is a stone of diplomats, said to promote constructive communication, diplomacy, discretion and a degree of finesse.  The stone is associated with the planet Venus and is considered an aid to imagination, creativity and an appreciation for beauty. It is associated with the throat and sometimes the heart chakras.

Gaia Stone or Green obsidian comes from the volcanic ash of the eruption of Mt. St. Helen's. It is associated with the heart chakra, but can also be used to balance all the chakras. It is associated with the Goddess connection, and is thought to attract earth and nature spirits.  It is supposed to assist in bringing prosperity. Gaia Stone is given to people to assist in the self-healing of emotional wounds and traumas. It is said to carry the Earth's energy, and is sometimes referred to as the "Soul of the Earth."

Galaxyite    Used for polarity balancing. A stone of discovery. Awakening of psychic centers and attunement between two or more people.

Galena   A stone of  harmony and balance.  Decreases self-defeating thoughts.  A grounding energy.  Supports health of circulatory system &  hair growth.

Garnet   Grounding, fertility, abundance, prosperity.  Connection to the earth.  Aids in concentration.

Geodes assist in effective communication.  Aids the study of mathematics and is said to facilitate astral travel.

Gold   Holds the energy of other stones.  Eases those who are overburdened with responsibilities. Assists in the elimination of ego conflicts.

Goldstone is said to be a Master Healer, stabilizing emotions and aiding in staying calm.  Goldstone, is used as an energy generator and like diamond, is a good deflector of unwanted energies, therefore is a protection stone. It reminds us to set goals that are lofty and work to attain them. It Goldstone is effective when you are sending healing energies from the heart, throat or third eye chakras. It is thought to increase the healing energies emanating from the hands, and is often used for long distance healing.  This is technically a man-made stone, however it contains copper, which is felt to be extremely helpful in increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation.

Hematite (sometimes spelled Hemetite) is used to assist in grounding and calming and in manifesting Divine Light in your life. It deflects and dissolves negative energies. Hematite is a stone for the mind. It helps one to "sort-out" things in one's mind and can be used for mental attunement, memory enhancement, original thinking and technical knowledge. It is a calming energy and encourages one to "reach for the stars". It is said to attract "kind" love and acts as a stabilizing force, brings peace, self-control and inner happiness. Shamans have used it with blood disorders.  Hematite is associated with the root (base) chakra and is said to attract compassionate love.  Hematite is a must for anyone interested in working with crystals and stones! In Crystal Healing, it is used to calm the nerves, for insomnia, and to align the spine and speed the mending of broken bones. Hematite is associated with the root (base) chakra.

Herkimer Diamonds have been used for eons to facilitate lucid dreaming, remembering dreams & entering higher states of consciousness. Tabular types excellent for protection and vision quests. They are also used for relaxation, acceptance of self, clearing of old fears and attunement & surrender of ego attachments, (to another person, your environment, a job, etc.)  They are commonly used for the stimulation of clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Howlite   Dispels selfishness, aids calm communication of emotions.  Aids in memory retention.

Fossilized Ivory   Dissipates restlessness, anxiety & moodiness.  Energy of purity. Promotes vitality.

Iolite is also known as ‘water sapphire’ - although it is not a sapphire at all. Iolite is a Shaman’s stone and since it is associated with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras and it is therefore an excellent choice to use in all psychic and healing situations, (as well as spiritual pursuits.) It is said to stimulate “Visions” and  astral travel. Iolite has been a stone of choice in dealing with addictive behaviors, in including drug and alcohol problems.  It is said to assist in detoxing, as well as an aid in maintaining sobriety. In Crystal Healing, iolite has been used for throats problems and varicose veins.

Jade is called the Mayan ‘dream stone.’ It is used to promote Harmony within and without.  It assists in achieving meditative states. Long thought to promote a Long life, it also aids in making realizations of your purpose in life.  It is also considered to be good for emotional balance and stability.  Jade is a stone of the heart related to the heart chakra and has a beneficial effect on all heart chakra related issues, including love relationships.  Jade of all kinds is a very protective stone. It’s used by shamans to protect from illness and for psychic protection. It has been considered particularly good protection for children. It has energetic clearing properties, and is useful to keep with other stones for this reason.   In crystals healing it is used for healing the physical heart, as well as for kidney problems – it strengthens the body's filtration and cleansing systems and assists in the removal of toxins.

While all Jade has some healing influence, each color relates more specifically to certain ailments or organs. Properties common to all colors of Jade include its ability to impart calm and serenity. It has been used for eons to assist in ridding ones self of negative thoughts and energy. It is a very protective stone, used to keep its owner/user out of harm's way.

Red Jade  is an active stone. Red Jade is used to defuse tense situations and release the energy.  Red Jade can be a very intense energy and over stimulate the wearer. This can lead to expressions of upset, anger or agitation. Red Jade can be used, carefully, to bring up those feelings so that one may deal with them in the open. 

Orange Jade is similar Yellow Jade in that both convey the gift of inner peace, joy and happiness. They teach the interconnectedness of all life and all Beings. Orange Jade is used to assist the digestive organs of the body. Orange Jade boosts the wearers energy and provides protection.

Yellow Jade is similar to Orange Jade in that both convey the gift of inner peace, joy and happiness. They teach the interconnectedness of all Life and all Beings.  Yellow Jade is used to assist digestive organs of the body.

Green Jade is the most common color of jade. It is thought to be calming to the nervous system. Green jade is thought to represent life and growth and to assist one in finding their heart true desire. It is associated with the heart chakra and is thought to make it easier for the wearer to express love.

Blue Jade is a peaceful stone. It is associated with the Third Eye Chakra. It helpful in reaching a deeper level during meditation and relaxation exercises. It is a steady energy and is given to people who feel overwhelmed or under tremendous stress in their lives. 

Lavender Jade is said to bring one in touch with their emotions, especially the softer side.  It is said to assist in honest communication and self control. It is often given as a gift to someone who has been hurt or disappointed by love.

Black and Grey Jade are thought to be strong protection from negative energy. It is good for Grounding, as it is related to the Root or Base Chakra. These jades are said to support a wise person’s correct use of power.

Brown Jade is said to be a stone connecting all of humanity to Mother Earth. Often given as a housewarming gift, or when changing jobs, because it is thought to aid in adjustments to any new environment.

White or Cream Jade is used to direct ones energy and assist in concentration, by filtering out unwanted distractions.  White and cream jade has long been used to boost energy and to ascertain what the highest outcome for a given situation will be.  In Crystal Healing, White Jade has been used for Attention Deficit Disorder and for other areas where focus and concentration is needed.

Jasper of all types has been called the ‘Nurturing stone’ because it offers such calm and soothing energies. It is a gentle stone, peaceful and relaxing, bringing tranquility, comfort, a sense of wholeness and healing. It assists in ‘gentle endings.’ Jasper is used to psychically assist with astral travel. In crystal healing, jasper is used for the liver, gallbladder, stomach ailments and balancing male/female, yin/yang energies.

Red Jasper has been called the “Stone of Counselors and Healers.”  Thought to induce health and re-birth, and it is often used by Shamans and others for protection and self-healing. Red Jasper facilitates remembering dreams. Helps to balance out unfair situations. It is said to afford some protection of first and third chakra area. Red Jasper is used to activate the first chakra, at the base of the spine. This is said to increase the life-force energies, (also known as Chi, Prana etc.) and offers grounding and strength – emotional and physical. It is also called the Earth Stone, and its energy is useful to remind us that we are here on the earth to bring joy to others and self.  Red Jasper is in the Quartz family.

Fancy Jasper is said to facilitate tranquility and help eliminate worry and depression. It also brings mental clarity. It is a creamy beige with lavender or green swirls.

Leopard Jasper or leopard stone, assists and protects during physical and shamanic spiritual travel. It induces vigor and health. It also affords some protection of the third chakra area. It is used when connecting to one’s animal spirit guide or totem. It is a stone that helps one to meet their obligations and responsibilities. It is protective of the third chakra area, but associated more with the root or base chakra. In crystal healing it helps to eliminate toxins of all kinds.

Ocean Jasper is a very calming and soothing stone and is one of the most protective stones. It is used to align all of the chakras. It encourages the love of ones self and others, the healing the emotions and brings a sense of peace, well being and connectedness to nature and all of the earth. It attracts the Devics (also known as the nature spirits or fairy / faerie kingdom.) It is used to encourage the acceptance of responsibility and it also is thought to help increase patience.
Ocean jasper is a very protective stone, and the orbs  or "eyes" found in the stone are considered to enhance this protective quality, especially in regard to what is called the ‘evil eye.’  Ocean Jasper is also used in meditation techniques. In Crystal Healing, is thought to be useful removing toxins from the body and the aura, digestive problems. It is related to the heart chakra.

Picture Rock Jasper has long been used create harmony, balance and positive energy flow in your life, especially in your business pursuits. It is often used to stimulate creative visualization.  It is said to It is used to bring out and into the conscious mind old and often hidden messages from the past. It is also used to bring out hidden fears as well as hopes. In Crystal Healing, these qualities make it useful as a stone to heal the emotions. It has been called the stone of Global awareness.  It also affords protection of third chakra area.

Poppy Jasper refers to the reddish variation of brecciated jasper. It is a stone of protection and has been used for eons as protection during astral travel. Also used to assist when dowsing, it’s a good stone for grounding and is associated with the root chakra. Poppy Jasper is said to attune one and assist in communication with animals. It’s also said to help with allergies. Poppy Jasper encourages a feeling of wholeness and relaxation, leading to being more organized and balanced. Said to align the chakras, balance the subtle energies and bring about a sense of
peace and happiness.

Polychrome Jasper is a ‘happy energy’ stone. It is said to bring good fortune and a happy outlook on life.  It is also used to assist in attuning to and communication with animals. In Crystal Healing is it used to ease stress and increase stamina, and the ability to adjust to change. It is also used to ease allergies.

Picasso Stone Jasper is a powerful stone, aiding in the development of creative and artistic abilities. It is believed to confer strength and assist in self-discipline. It is a grounding and calming energy, and in Crystal Healing, is said to promote weight loss.

Red Jasper has been called the “Stone of Counselors and Healers.”  Thought to induce health and re-birth, and it is often used by Shamans and others for protection and self-healing. Red Jasper facilitates remembering dreams. Helps to balance out unfair situations. It is said to afford some protection of first and third chakra area. Red Jasper is used to activate the first chakra, at the base of the spine. This is said to increase the life-force energies, (also known as Chi, Prana etc.) and offers grounding and strength – emotional and physical. It is also called the Earth Stone, and its energy is useful to remind us that we are here on the earth to bring joy to others and self.  Red Jasper is in the Quartz family.

Yellow Jasper is said to assist and protect during physical and spiritual travel. It is also believed to afford some protection of the third chakra area.

Jet  is used to dispel fearful thoughts.  It is thought to protect the wearer against illness and violence.  It is calming and aids in alleviating depression and in Grounding ones energy. 
Kaolinite is a helper stone, providing assistance when we come up against the big obstacles of life. It is an encouraging energy, providing support and sympathy when one feels low. One of the most valuable things that this mineral can do is help to dismiss spirits and energies that are negative or unwanted. It also is thought to assist in communication with the spirit world and in the ability to retain the information and communicate it to others.

Kunzite is said to activate the heart chakra and stimulate deep feelings of love, peace and relaxation. It is also said to dissolve negativity, promote maturity, increase sensuality, refresh the mind, deepen meditation and align the chakras.

Kyanite aids it the attunement of the physical, emotional and etheric bodies. It is a powerful stone that aligns the chakras naturally, and can open them, when used with clear intent. It is a protective stone and assists in keeping the subtle energies free of entities. It also facilitates meditation This is one of the very few stones that doesn’t need to be cleared!

Labradorite is a powerful stone, considered to be a stone of transformation. It has been used extensively to work with nature spirits, (also called devics or the fairy / faerie kingdom.) It is said to aid in the recall of mystical, magical experiences and to increase ones intuition and aid in psychic development. It is also used for protection, as it discourages others from tapping into your energy and draining you.
It is used by Shamans for dream recall, and working with the waking dream in your everyday life. It is widely thought to provide clarity and insight into your destiny, as well as being able to attract success to you.  In Crystal Healing, Labradorite is used in treating eye and brain disorders and to help regulate metabolism and all digestive processes. Labradorite is also called Spectrolite in some areas of the world.  Labradorite is associated with the solar plexus and third eye chakras.

Lapis Lazuli  is a powerful stone that aids in comprehension, manifestations and insight into self.  Lapis is a stone of spiritual love and is also known for aiding love and fidelity within a marriage. It is a stone traditionally reserved for royalty. Lapis is best used when worn above the heart chakra.  It is associated with the throat chakra and third eye. It was known to assist one in saying the perfect thing, at the perfect time: just open your mouth and pearls of wisdom drop out!  Lapis protects from psychic attacks and is useful in crystal healing for boosting the immune system and helping with sinus problems.

Larimar is a blue stone, said to reflect and vibrate to the higher frequencies of the spiritual “Ocean of Love and Mercy.” Larimar  assists in releasing self-imposed bonds and limitations. It aids one in feeling freedom and independence from inappropriate burdens and in letting go of attachments.
It is associated with the throat chakra, and is therefore used in all areas of communication and when seeking answers to questions. Larimar is said to be particularly effective in assisting one in becoming attuned to the Dolphins. It has been used to learn to communicate with them, as well as with many other animals.

Lepidolite    Acceptance as an act of faith.  Surrender to the higher  Will of the creator.  A calming, soothing, energy.  Used as aid to in relaxation.

Lepidocrosite with quartz, is said to strengthen your conscious connection to the Angelic Realms. It is used as an aid to gain clarity necessary to make decisions, and enhance intuition. It’s been used to direct energy during healing sessions and also to suppress hunger.

Malachite  is used to aligning your ego with God’s will, instead of your own.  It is all about using power wisely: assertion rather than aggression.  Malachite is said to strengthen the heart physically as well as the heart Chakra.

Marble is a crystalline stone, created deep within the earth millions of years ago. Each piece of marble is like a snowflake: no two pieces are ever exactly the same.  Marble is used in tantric activities and to help with clarity during meditative states. It’s also been used for recalling your dreams. It’s thought to help with serenity and mastery and actualization of ones thoughts. It is also used to help in accessing unused portions of  the human brain.

Merlinite is the name given to crystals and gemstones with the combination of white Quartz & black Psilomelane.

Merlinite is a stone of magic, blending the Higher vibrations with those of this Earth Plane. It is used to aid as an access to multiple realms.
It can also be used to access the akashic records, remember Past Lives and to draw upon the powers of the Earth and other elements. Used in conjunction with Shamanic practices, it will boost the experience. This stone brings magic into ones life. It is a great meditation stone.  It is said to help correct old and outmoded patterns in the emotional and mental bodies. In Crystal Healing it aids the upper respiratory system. It is connected to the Heart and Third Eye Chakras.

Moldavite p the key word is Transformation.  It is associated with the planet Pluto, a strong transformational energy, which is not always comfortable. Like Pluto, Moldavite strips away the things in your life that you no longer need.

Mother of Pearl is the iridescent lining of oyster shells, where pearls can grow. MOP is used for Past Life Regression and to access Cellular memories.
MOP is said to attract prosperity.  It is used as protection from negative influences as it is said to transmute negative energy into neutrality and purify surroundings. It has also been used to increase ones psychic sensitivity, intuition and creative imagination.
In Crystal Healing, MOP is used to help with high blood pressure, dizziness, vision, and wound healing. It is associated with the Heart Chakra.

Mica   Helps one to be able to look at the flaws in a person or situation realistically and still be able to feel positive and loving.

Moonstone   Associated with the development of psychic sensitivity, love and happy times.

Rainbow  Moonstone  has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perceptions, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. It is used to aid in the recall of psychic impressions. It is a stone that brings balance and harmony. The Rainbow effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant wishes.

Mugglestone   Grounding, manifesting Divine Light in your life. Deflects negative energies.  Promotes balance and letting go of judgments.


Apache Tear Obsidian   Comfort in time of grief and sorrow. Insight and acceptance.  Grounding, protection, clarity of thought.

Black Obsidian is a protective stone, excellent for removing negativity in one's energy and the surrounding environment. It is also effective protection against psychic attacks, absorbing the negative energies before they can start to interact with yours. In particular is said to protect the gentle from abuse. It stone that assists with Grounding and is very healing. It is used to assist in bringing hidden issues and emotions to the surface, where they can be dealt with.
In Crystal Healing it is used for the digestive track ailments, muscle aches and pains and to slow infections.
It is said to sharpen and focus the internal and external vision.  Black Obsidian is related to the root chakra.

Mahogany Obsidian is also called Buffalo Obsidian. It is thought to provide strength and courage, in times of need. It is also used to accelerate growth in all areas and stimulate the spiritual centers of the subtle bodies, which will aid in this. It is commonly used to eliminate negativity and energy blocks. It has strong qualities of grounding and protection and is said to bring clarity of thought. It is associated with the Root Chakra.

Rainbow Obsidian  promotes light and love and the recognition of ones spiritual nature. It is also used for gazing.  Rainbow Obsidian is also called he "stone of pleasure" because energetically it is thought to bring pleasure, joy and enjoyment to one's life. It also bring clarity and clear thinking to one and therefore can bring out the Spiritual. Rainbow Obsidian is used psychically to enhance clairvoyance and is especially effective in protection as it is thought to ground negativity and allow the Light in. Rainbow Obsidian is primarily associated with the root chakra.

Silver Sheen Obsidian   is used to find the ‘root’ or heart of a problem.  It has also been used for Scrying or Gazing.  It is said to assist in helping to see yourself as others see you.  It is also used for Grounding, protection, and clarity of thought.

Snowflake obsidian is also called the “Stone of purity” or the “Stone of Clarity.” It is used for recognizing old habits and patterns in ones life and changing them to more useful and beneficial ones. As a stone of clarity, it is said to bring hidden things to the surface. These hidden things could be perceived as positive or negative, depending on the person and circumstances, but the nice thing about snowflake obsidian is that this necessary process is done gently.
It is a common stone used to shield against negativity and give protection from physical and emotional harm  It is also a stone used for grounding and to surrender to a meditative state, going deeper.  It is associated with the root chakra and is used by crystal healers for the veins, skeleton, and attaining and keeping smooth skin.

Black Onyx  repels negativity and aids in grounding.  It is said to help overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation. It has been used as a comfort in unfamiliar surroundings.

Opal   helps in letting go of anger. Opals are said to magnify existing traits, either positive or negative. opal is used as a memory aid by some people.

Opalite  (aka Tiffany Stone, Opalized Fluorite, Opal Fluorite, Bertrandite, Ice Cream Opalite, Purple Opal) is a highly energetic but subtle stone. Psychically it helps with communication and interpretation of psychically received information of all kinds, including telepathic, channeled, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and others. It is excellent for removing energy blockages of the meridians and chakras. Tiffany Stone is helpful emotionally by assisting transitions during changes of all kinds, engendering persistence and emotional strength, and verbalizing hidden or secret feelings. Opalite is also beneficial for business and business success. Physically, Opalite boosts the sex drive and can enhance sexual experience, and is an all-around healing stone. Opalite is associated primarily with the third eye chakra.

Pearls help one connect with the Goddess, the ultimate feminine energy. They attune the wearer to the ebb and flow of life. They are calming and centering yet help to focus the attention. They have the vibration of truth, purity, charity, integrity, and loyalty. Pearls have been used to treat disorders of the digestive tract and muscular systems, as well as to aid fertility and to ease childbirth.

 Peridot   Repels negative energies, supports efforts to uncover one’s own role in attacks from other people.  Useful in letting go of envy and jealousy.

Petoskey Stone   Dissipates negativity.  Protection of head area. Stimulates 3rd eye.  Blocks mischievous spirits who might try and interfere.

Pyrite  attracts and balances the male energies.  It is a stone of the intellect, enhancing mental clarity and logic, as well as psychic abilities. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone and is a grounding stone. It protects and shields the physical, emotional and subtle energies.  Pyrite is also known as Fool's Gold and Healer's Gold and is thought to promote good investments.

Petrified Wood  is used  is access cellular memories, and work through old traumas.  Because of it’s link to the past it has long been used in Past Life regression work. It is a grounding and stabilizing stone, used for general protection and to calm fears. Sometimes called the “Stone of Business” it promotes successful new beginnings and is said to enhance the practical aspects of any business endeavor.  In Crystal Healing is has been used to ease back aches, strengthen the bones and for healthy skin and hair.

Pietersite is also known as Tempest stone. It is used to see beyond the superficial and enable you to find the beauty in everything around you.  It is said to aid in the ability to relax and focus so that you can create and manifest what is inside of your mind.  Pietersite is used to work with angels, astral travel, and assists with precognition and seeing visions. In Crystal Healing Pietersite is said to balance the endocrine system and hormones, aid in gastrointestinal problems and improve memory.

Psilomelane Facilitates trance states and enhances awareness. It is said to help change outmoded patterns of thinking and re-direct your energies.

 Quartz is often said to be the ‘stone’ that every one needs to start with and is the most recognized type of crystal. It's what many people think of when they hear the word crystal, although there are many different types of crystals in all kinds of stones.

Quartz can be as clear as ice (ancients called quartz ‘Holy Ice’ and thought that it came from the heavens) or milky white. It can have  inclusions, veils, bubbles, formations, etc. Clarity is not important for a quartz crystal's energetic quality. In fact inclusions and impurities can make the crystal more energetic and increase it’s ability to amplify subtle energies.  Without a few 'imperfections, the energy is often not as intense. Lab crystals are grown with impurities on purpose.

Quartz can store energy, amplify it, focus it, transmit it, transform it, balance it, absorb it… Various types are better for some things than others. Quartz in any form is a powerful stone.  Quartz is used to dispel and clear negative

Quartz has long been used to direct and amplify thoughts and intentions, because all thoughts are a form of energy and intentions shape and effect subtle energy. Because of this, it is useful for healing work, meditation, protection, and manifesting and channeling. Quartz has long been thought to store and retrieve information of all types. Information is just another form of an energy pattern. Quartz is held on the third eye chakra for increased clarity of psychic vision, and has often been used to perceive and commune with spirits and other worlds, often used for astral travel, scrying, channeling, dream recall and dream work. Quartz has long been thought to counteract black magic and protect from negative energy on all levels.

In Crystal Healing, Quartz is said to be effective for chronic fatigue, arthritis, depression, bone ailments and gastrointestinal troubles. It is also used to improve mental and physical stamina.  Clear quartz is associated with the crown chakra, but is also effectively used to  energize all of the chakras.

Rose Quartz  is the stone of unconditional love. Wonderful for promoting self-love & acceptance, raising self-esteem. Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra, opening it to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. Rose quartz has excellent protection energies during pregnancy and childbirth. The elevated energy of quartz gives rose quartz a property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. It also brings gentleness, forgiveness, and tolerance. Rose quartz is also said to be helpful with weight loss.

Blue Quartz is also called Dumorterite Activates throat chakra, attunes one to others.  Lessens fear and confusion.

Rutilated Quartz  is a stone thought to ease transitions and bring healing and balance to the subtle energies. It repels negativity and  is said to stabilize relationships and marriages.

Smokey (Smoky) Quartz is used to dissolve negative energies and open blocks in the Solar plexus, hands, and feet chakras. It is a protective, grounding and stabilizing stone, used to calm and center. It works gently & consistently, not quickly. Smokey Quartz is used as a mood elevator to lift depression as well as remove negative energy to make one relax and think positively. It is believed to bring happiness and good luck and help make dreams and wishes come true! It’s also been used to tap into unconscious and higher wisdom. In Crystal Healing, it is used for kidney ailments, menstrual cramps and associated problems and fertility issues. Smoky quartz is associated with the root chakra.

Orange Quartz obtains its color from red hematite. The Quartz energizes you and the Hematite grounds you! Orange Quartz is used to help one look for their life’s purpose and path. It is an excellent tool for self-realization and acceptance. It is also thought to be helpful with decision making and clearing ones’ thoughts. Orange Quartz aligns the lower chakras and is associated with the Second Chakra.

Rhodochrosite   Promotes self-acceptance  and love. A very high vibration.

Rhodonite  is said to assist in using  ones talents for the good of others. It supports self-love and acceptance, as therefore, self-healing. It is thought to help one reach their full potential and teaches the Bearer to see both sides of every issue.
In Crystal Healing, it is thought to support healthy liver and pancreas function. 

Rhyolite represents change, variety and progress. It lights the fire of creativity within the soul. It also helps with self realization and balances the emotions and increases self respect,, self worth, and the capacity to love. Olive green, or creamy caramel swirls with chunks of quartz and darker green.

Ruby is a Stone of Vitality, supporting a strong Life Force, and lots of energy.  Wear a Ruby to bring up your energies when you are feeling dull or super tired. It is associated with the Heart Chakra.

Sapphire  is thought to rid one of unwanted thoughts. Its vibration brings lightness and joy.  IT supports clear and positive communication efforts. Sapphire is thought to be good luck and has been called the ‘stone of prosperity.’  It is associated with the throat Chakra and Third Eye Chakra.

Selenite is a very calming and soothing energy. It's said to be the "Stone of mental clarity", enhancing mental flexibility and strengthening the ability to make good decisions. You can access information from past lives, using the energy of a Selenite wand. It is said to remove energy blocks from the physical and etheric bodies. It helps to connect the physical and etheric or ‘light’ bodies. It has been used by Healers to align the spine and is thought to be good for the skeleton and spine. Selenite wands can be used to clear other stones that are placed on or near it. Selenite is associated with the crown chakra and is used to decrease epilepsy and seizure disorders. It is also said to promote good business practices and would therefore excellent for any Healer, massage therapist, Reiki Master, Chiropractor, etc. to have in their office.  It's also said to be an aid to help stop smoking.

Serpentine, is also called “New Jade.” It’s a versatile stone, said assist with emotional cleansing, psychic powers, and to attract love and money. In addition, serpentine is considered a protective stone, especially against snakebite, poison, and venom. Mystical lore says that serpentine eliminates parasite infections and removes venom and other poisons. (Don’t bet your life on this, however! ) Serpentine is an excellent stone for meditation. It is also used when attempting to raise the Kundalini, as it is said to facilitate the rise of energy by opening a path, which eliminates or lessens the discomfort associated with the rise. It is also associated with the heart Chakra.

Silver is a mineral that is said to mirror the soul, strengthen the connection between astral and physical bodies, and enhance intuitive and psychic energies. Silver is mystically considered to improve speech, bring eloquence. It is also purported to attract, enhance and store the energies of gemstones, as well as draw out negative energies. Silver is related to the moon, and moon energies. Physically, crystal healing lore indicates that silver is has been traditionally used to aid hepatitis treatments, eliminate toxins, expel toxins through the pores, headache, rheumatic pain, nausea and gastritis, obesity, diabetes, and increase assimilation of vitamins A and E.

Soapstone or Steatite creates a positive energy around itself and exerts a calming influence on the person using it. It is used when undergoing great changes in one’s life and helps to prepare you for anything! It is thought to allow your ideas and inspirations to broaden, open and develop. It is said to open pathways between our physical plane and other planes of existence--for both sending and receiving. It allows you to give up old patterns and pathways and ‘go with the flow.’

Sodalite is the stone of truth, logic, rational thinking and efficiency. It stimulates thought and aids in all communication.  It is associated with the Third Eye and throat chakras. It can assist you in speaking your truth.  Sodalite is said to speak to one about their life's journey, aids in learning to ‘be in the present’ and teaches that it is not the destination that is the most important to our growth; it is what we do along the way. It is particularly useful for honesty of emotions and can be useful in stopping arguments preventing over sensitivity and connecting “the heart with the head.” In Crystal Healing it is used to balance the digestive system, relieve insomnia, and for calcium deficiency as well as to bring about the end of colds and flus.  It is set next to a computer to balance the energy around the hard drive. 

Smokey (Smoky) Quartz is used to dissolve negative energies and open blocks in the Solar plexus, hands, and feet chakras. It is a protective, grounding and stabilizing stone, used to calm and center. It works gently & consistently, not quickly. Smokey Quartz is used as a mood elevator to lift depression as well as remove negative energy to make one relax and think positively. It is believed to bring happiness and good luck and help make dreams and wishes come true! It’s also been used to tap into unconscious and higher wisdom. In Crystal Healing, it is used for kidney ailments, menstrual cramps and associated problems and fertility issues. Smoky quartz is associated with the root chakra.

Sulpher   Assists in the removal of negative attitudes.  Crushed, it is used in a similar way to sacred pollen, offered to the cardinal points.

Sugilite   Remembering dreams and why you came into this life.  Aids in helping you to understand what it is that you want from your life.

Sunstone    Power, leadership, learning to use your own power to control yourself, instead of controlling others.

Tanzanite is a gemstone which is said to awaken the mind and heart. It is able to help by assisting in the integration of mind and heart It activates the throat chakra so that you can clearly communicate your highest truth. Excellent for holding during a reading, it can also be used to enhance psychic abilities.

Tektites   are a form of meteoric glass from outer space.  Encourages gathering of knowledge.  Considered a talisman of great power in the Orient. Removes implants. Strengthens the energy field when carried daily.


Blue Tiger Eye assists in moving through depression. It promotes the gentle attunement of the Third eye and helps with balance.

Golden Tiger Eye is used for protection, especially during travel. It is thought to enhance good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. It’s also used for balance and grounding - and letting go of judgments. It aids integrity, willpower, practicality and encourages the correct use of power. Golden Tiger’s Eye is a powerful stone and boosts one’s personal power. It’s associated with the third Chakra.

Red Tiger Eye  promotes gentle attunement of the root chakra.  Balance.

Tiger Iron combines the properties of Hematite, Golden Tiger Eye and Red  Jasper. It is used during creative and artistic endeavors. It is known as a stone of balance. It is used in Crystal Healing to help maintain the balance of the white and red blood cells and strengthen the muscles. It is also thought to increase the presence of the body’s natural anti-inflammatory chemicals.
  Hematite (sometimes spelled Hemetite) is used to assist in grounding and calming and in manifesting Divine Light in your life. It deflects and dissolves negative energies. Hematite is a stone for the mind. It helps one to "sort-out" things in one's mind and can be used for mental attunement, memory enhancement, original thinking and technical knowledge. It is a calming energy and encourages one to "reach for the stars". It is said to attract "kind" love and acts as a stabilizing force, brings peace, self-control and inner happiness. Shamans have used it with blood disorders.  Hematite is associated with the root (base) chakra and is said to attract compassionate love.  Hematite is a must for anyone interested in working with crystals and stones! In Crystal Healing, it is used to calm the nerves, for insomnia, and to align the spine and speed the mending of broken bones. Hematite is associated with the root (base) chakra.
  Red Jasper has been called the “Stone of Counselors and Healers.”  Thought to induce health and re-birth, and it is often used by Shamans and others for protection and self-healing. Red Jasper facilitates remembering dreams. Helps to balance out unfair situations. It is said to afford some protection of first and third chakra area. Red Jasper is used to activate the first chakra, at the base of the spine. This is said to increase the life-force energies, (also known as Chi, Prana etc.) and offers grounding and strength – emotional and physical. It is also called the Earth Stone, and its energy is useful to remind us that we are here on the earth to bring joy to others and self.  Red Jasper is in the Quartz family.
  Golden Tiger Eye is used for protection, especially during travel. It is thought to enhance good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. It’s also used for balance and grounding - and letting go of judgments. It aids integrity, willpower, practicality and encourages the correct use of power. Golden Tiger’s Eye is a powerful stone and boosts one’s personal power. It’s associated with the third Chakra.

Blue Topaz reduces arrogance and stimulates the throat chakra to facilitate communication. IT is said taht Blue Topaz will aid you in seeing anothers point of view.

Golden Topaz promotes true love and success in all endeavors. Acts to replace negativity with love and joyfulness.  Potent in  visualization and manifestation.

Black Tourmaline Crystals   Purification.  Letting go of issues that are holding you back.

Watermelon Tourmaline   Inner peace, tranquility.  Elevation of mood.  Experiencing the moment.

Trilobite   Assists in development of patience and perseverance.  Supports decisions which are made for the good of everyone concerned.

Turquoise  is a stone of wholeness and the unity of all creation.  It is known as a stone of vision, integration and clarity.
Turquoise is sacred in both the Native American and Eastern/Oriental cultures. It is called the “Sky Stone” uniting the Heavens and the Earth. It is very powerful for grounding and protection, and is reputed to change colors when danger is near the wearer. Turquoise has long been used to promote honest and clear communication, directly from the heart. It enhances the mind-heart connection and is thought to be a stone of great luck and abundance.
In Crystal Healing, Turquoise is use to speed the healing processes, therefore is is considered a Master Healing stone. It is associated with the heart, throat and third eye chakras.

Ulexite   (T.V Rock)     Natural form of fiber optic.  Balancing of the subtle bodies, Stimulates imagination.  Used in treatment of eye disorders.

Unakite (sometimes spelled Unikite) is a gentle, yet powerful and protective stone, said to support and promote strength of character and encourage self-growth. It is said to ease separation and abandonment issues. Long used to assist women in having a healthy pregnancy and easy childbirth. It is also used to assist in finding ones animal totem or guide. A favorite of Gardener’s as it is thought to promote growth ad connections of all kinds, in things as diverse as plants, ones self, the fetus, etc. It is said to aid in connecting to Mother Earth and the nature spirits. In Crystals Healing, it is used for the above, and also for heart issues. It’s is associated with the heart chakra.

Wulfenite Promotes attunement to the ancient past or the far future.  Facilitates contact with the spirit world. Facilitates the transition from physical to astral planes.

Zebra Stone Marble is used to help connect to Mother Earth and to unconditional Love. It helps one to see through illusions and to the heart of what we really desire. It is a protective stone, and is used for stamina, self-control and the mastery of thoughts. It aids in the actualization of desires. In Crystal Healing it is used as an aid to stop bone loss and muscle spasms. It is also known as the White Tiger Stone.

 Zincite is an intense stone. It is said to aid one in working through dysfunctional relationships, deep seated sexual addictions, compulsions of all kinds.  Excellent for aiding creativity.  Not a stone to wear everyday as it can become overpowering.

Zoisite  helps to amplify the subtle energies (aura) and aids a person in realizing their inner talents.
It is also used to help increase your awareness of and connection to your high self. Zoisite assists one in learning to trust. This includes trust of Self, as well as of the Universe. Therefore is is useful in the release of deep seated fears - leading to a more secure feeling and a peaceful happiness.
In Crystal Healing zoisite is good for vitality, the reproductive organs and the adrenal glands. It is also used to strengthen the heart.
Zoisite is associated with the heart chakra, mainly, but also the root and sacral chakras.
Geological Fact: Some Ruby crystals grow within a matrix of the mineral Zoisite.

Additional information:

Dichoric glass was originally created for the space and laser industries, and was developed extensively by NASA. In the late 1980’s an artist named Sara Creekmore saw the artistic possibilities in the materials and was the first to use it extensively in jewelry. It’s popularity - and price - soon soared.
The word dichroic means "two colors" because of the two or more colors that the glass reflects and transmits.

The glass is made with metallic oxides, mainly copper, silver and gold, and has properties of all of them:
The Copper combats tiredness, passivity and restlessness.  It stimulates optimism and repels negative entities.  It is used in treatment of arthritis.
The Gold absorbs and holds the energy of other stones. It eases those who are overburdened with responsibilities and assists in the elimination of ego conflicts.
Silver is a mineral that is said to mirror the soul, strengthen the connection between astral and physical bodies, and enhance intuitive and psychic energies. Silver is mystically considered to improve speech, bring eloquence. It is also purported to attract, enhance and store the energies of gemstones, as well as draw out negative energies. Silver is related to the moon, and moon energies. Physically, crystal healing lore indicates that silver is has been traditionally used to aid hepatitis treatments, eliminate toxins, expel toxins through the pores, headache, rheumatic pain, nausea and gastritis, obesity, diabetes, and increase assimilation of vitamins A and E.

Additionally, dichroic glass has been said to be helpful for seeing past illusions,  communication with extra terrestrial beings and for bringing child-like joy into your life. It has been used very successfully as a focal point in mediation, used as a gazing surface.


Metaphysical Information about some of the most common Quartz Crystals
 *By Shape, Special Formations and Types

Clear quartz crystal has been called the universal stone. Quartz contains the four elements of creation. It helps us amplify, direct, focus, transmit and store energy. Everyone interested in stones should have some! It corresponds to all of the zodiac signs, and is a pure and powerful energy source.
It receives, activates, stores, transmits, and amplifies energy. It stimulates brain functions and activates all levels of consciousness. It is excellent for meditation and is said to bring harmony to the soul.
Its greatest attribute is known to be its use as an aid to opening the psychic centers, enabling the ability to meditate at a deeper level and to free one's mind from the mundane and the trivia. It releases the higher consciousness and develops mystical and spiritual gifts.
It is particularly useful for meditation and when working to contact or align with one's higher self. It is said to protect against harmful electrical vibrations and assist the wearer to think intuitively.

Quartz and its various sub-varieties has been employed by humans and their predecessors, the Neanderthals, for tens of thousands of years. Used to fashion tools, (sub-variety flint) it was also used as talismans, wands and amulets to aid in protection and healing.

Crystals emit vibrations that affect the wearer’s body. Certain specific varieties are believed to have positive effects when utilized on particular energy centers of the body, much like deep therapeutic massage and acupuncture. These energy centers are known as Chakras.

Quartz has a long and lengthy history with regards to spiritual uses. Spiritually inclined societies used it for balancing chakras, transforming energy and a host of other metaphysical uses. Quartz crystals are used to this day in meditation, as they are believed to possess healing properties and other metaphysical capabilities. It has been used throughout the centuries to divine the future and commune with spirits--this belief spans many cultures including Western, Chinese, Medieval European and Celtic. The stone's ability to align one's psychic self with the cosmos is often ascribed to the stone's piezoelectric properties - which means that it becomes electrically charged under pressure. Quartz is also pyroelectric  - heating quartz also charges the stone electrically.

Many believe that in the same way quartz is used in computer chips to transmit information, it can also be used to commune with the spirit world, higher spirits and angel guides. It is often said to "amplify" psychic power.

The Record Keeper or Recorder Crystal is identified by one or more raised triangular shapes on a crystal’s face. They are thought to have been programmed by ancient Atlanteans and Lemurians to safeguard their sacred and profound secrets. They are filled with wisdom & esoteric knowledge. You can place them over the Third Eye to meditate or hold firmly, but not tightly and ask to access your personal wisdom. You need have no experience with crystals to use them - just a sincere desire and an open heart. They promote peace and harmony.

Quartz in the shape of a Scepters: Scepters are points that form naturally around a rod of crystal. They strongly transmit energy in the direction of the point.  They are a symbol of power (ie., the scepters of royalty) and bring a higher spiritual energy to all ceremonies and rituals. They are thought to have been used by Atlantians & Lemurians for healing ceremonies. They represent fertility.

When Chlorite combines with the energy of the quartz crystal, it is one of the most powerful healing minerals. It is used to stimulate inspiration actualization. Quartz with Chlorite carries the energy of the Angels.

The Rainbows in Crystals are thought to be able to manifest some of the purest energies on earth and take the user to higher realms. They can help with Lucid dreaming and bring understanding of dreams. Some believe that these crystals exhibit the closest manifestation of pure white light that can be experienced on the physical plane. Rainbow crystals are used during meditation to and bring depth and clarity to dreams and move through negativity.

Faden quartz grew in two directions simultaneously, so is typically made up of many double terminated crystals. Where the growth started you can see a string of bubbles that show up as a white "line." This white line is the hallmark of a faden crystal (pronounced "fah-den").  It seems to always take a tabular formation (flattened), and is usually Double or Multiple Terminated.

Tangerine Quartz   works with the first and second chakra energies. It helps to balance their energy and express them appropriately, which includes control issues and the sexual organs. It represents the balance of yin and yang and works to assist us with expressing our natural creativity. You need to consciously work with this energy.

Dendritic Quartz looks like it has ferns or other organic growths inside. It combines the many useful qualities of Clear Quartz with Manganese, which is the actual mineral content of the "plant life" within this stone.  It facilitates a harmonious relationship with Mother Earth, and a deeper connection with nature, including the nature spirits.  It is also used for facilitating Past Life recall and used to open and activate the third eye.

Rutilated Quartz Crystals – Rutilations are growths inside of a crystal that look like tiny golden hairs or wheat colored needles. Some call these beautiful growths ‘Angel Hair.’
Highly prized for their healing ability, these crystals are used by Shamans for balancing the aura and repelling negative energies and entities.  Its vibration is used to get to the root or base of a problem so that you can see what the solution to the situation is – thus a very valuable resource indeed for all Crystal Healers. This type of crystal is also thought to bring strength, stability, spiritual growth and calm reason.

Tourmilated quartz  - The energies of the Tourmaline are amplified and intensified by the quartz. This is considered a real healing stone on all levels. It is a protective and Grounding combination and is thought to transform and transmute fear, stress and anger, bringing in positive energies to replace them. Thought to be an excellent stone for Chemotherapy and radiation patients!  It is said to strengthen the immune system and balance the physical as well as the various subtle bodies.  Black Tourmaline is also used to repel negativity and psychic attack. It is often used to combat negative effects from EMF radiation from TVs, monitors, etc.

Elestial Quartz:  Elestials are a rare form of quartz.  They are not for everyone, since they do work with a much higher vibration than regular quartz.  Elestials are quite unusual to look at and different in their formations and structure than other crystals. Often called the "Enchanted Crystal,"  or the "Crystal of the Angels" which explains the strong link with the Archangelic energies. They are also referred to as “New Millennium Crystals.” They work on a higher octave of energy than regular quartz.

Elestials assist one in overcoming emotional burdens and are especially good for people who are working on integrating the intellect and the heart and working through emotional trauma from early childhood or past lives. They assist by transmitting information about the past, present and future, via the person's "high-self."

An Elestial can be used during times of change and transformation to help to stabilize and transmute the energies.  They are also used to uncover hidden secrets. An excellent tool when learning to drop one’s attachments. It’s good to use with a piece of fluorite, as that will help you to keep things on a practical level.

Elestial Quartz is also known as Skeletal Quartz and Jacar̩ or Alligator Quartz. Jacar̩, means Alligator in Portuguese and refers to the patterns in the surface of many of these crystals. The mineralogical term, Skeletal Quartz, refers to the fact that you can see into the internal matrix of the crystal Рthe edges and planes of the crystal. There are many unusual cavities and etchings on the crystal. Sometimes the cavities are filled with ancient clay and/or water! There is often a wonderful interplay of light within the crystal.

Spirit Quartz is an incredible crystal!  Spirit Quartz is a generator stone and can be used to transmit subtle healing energies. These energies can also assist in a stronger and more aware connection to one’s High-Self, as it is an energy of Oneness - oneness with self as well as with others. It is used in meditation and contemplation to assist in understanding and resolving group and family issues. It promotes harmony and peace and can provide insights into issues and assist in developing healthy connections with loved ones. It is a crystal of compassion and is excellent in grief therapy work.

Generator crystals are used to cleanse and balance chakras, and the subtle bodies. They act to help disperse negative energies and replace it with more balanced energy.  Natural generators and crystals that have been polished in the configuration of generators have similar properties and can be used in the same manner.

Tabular or ‘Tabby’ Crystal: A ‘Tabby is a flat or Tablet shaped crystal. It will usually have noticeable etching or major striations on at least one side. Tabbys have been described as the best crystal to assist in communication of all kinds and recovering lost information. Tabbys are a great help in grounding various energies and are also very useful as protection from psychic attack. They are useful for people who are interested in developing psychic awareness.

Wands are used to focus our energy and gain clarity. A wand may be more powerful than an uncut crystal, especially when used by a healer to direct and focus healing energy.

Vogel Shaped Quartz This is a Quartz Crystal Wand cut in the style of a Vogel wand. The Vogel cut crystal is named after Marcel Vogel who designed the very precise cuts on quartz so that it acts as a very efficient, almost laser like focusing tool. When used with intention and unconditional love, this shape can really focus your energy for healing work or anything that you are working on transforming. It is not an actual Vogel, rather it is cut in the Vogel pattern. An original Vogel crystal is cut extremely precisely, and would cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. However, I think you will find that this crystal is a great tool in it’s own right.

Star Quartz is also known as the "Blessings Crystal." Star Quartz  is a very powerful crystal, protective and gentle, used to disperse negative energy from your auric field and in your immediate area. They are said to contain information from higher beings that came from the stars. A very different type of energy! The 'stars' are thought to be hollandite.

Multiple Crystals clustered around the main point, this configuration is said to be the 'teacher and students' by some indigenous cultures.

Lepidocrosite with quartz, is said to strengthen your conscious connection to the Angelic Realms. It is used as an aid to gain clarity necessary to make decisions, and enhance intuition. It’s been used to direct energy during healing sessions and also to suppress hunger.

Phantom Quartz occurs when several points start to grow over one another, in the same area - sometimes with other minerals showing in the various layers. Phantom Crystals are associated with the awareness of how all life is connected. It’s been used to assist in clairvoyance. Polished and unpolished specimens are both excellent. Polishing often brings out the beauty in the crystal and instills appreciation for the hidden or the past. This is a crystal often used when seeking answers about Past Life connections.
It’s said that a phantom crystal can also be used to help a person to meet their spiritual guide or Angel.  Some Healers have used them to help with hearing disorders.

Double Terminated Quartz Protects the mental and physical bodies. Double Terminated crystals are multi-functional; energy moves outward in either direction or in both directions concurrently. They have the capacity to draw or transmit energy through both ends. astral projection and for lucid dreaming by placing them under your pillow at night. They are also excellent for use during meditation.

A Manifestation Crystal is a larger crystal that completely encloses another, smaller crystal. They are used to heal traumas from  childhood, especially blocked memories. They are used to work with family problems and issues. Especially good for manifesting visions, and gaining clarity.

Quartz MerkabaMerkaba shape, carved quartz or other gemstone.

Working with a Merkaba carved rock quartz geometric shapes supports ones inner explorations and awareness.
"Merkaba" is an ancient Egyptian word to describe the energy or Aura that surrounds all living Beings.

It translates as :
MER= Rotating fields of light
KA= Spirit
BA= Soul.

A merkaba field exists around all living things, protecting and nurturing them. Thoughts of love, acceptance,
forgiveness, truth, compassion, etc. strengthen your Merkaba, raising its vibration. Fearful and negative thoughts weaken and
slow your Merkaba. Merkaba meditations are thought to facilitate spiritual growth and strengthen your creative abilities.
They are also used when  one wishes to create a positive change in life.

A Bridge Crystal is used to facilitate the connection between the inner and outer worlds. This includes bridging the gap between self and others,
as well as between ones self and other spiritual Realms. 
A Bridge crystal is also useful for teachers, as it is said to support understanding and help build connections between the teacher and student.
It is also useful when communicating with others about any kinds of metaphysical or spiritual concepts.

Lemurian Seed Crystals -   Lemurian seed crystals are unique in many ways.  They are found in sand banks, and not in clusters or clay, as quartz is normally found growing. It is believed that they were left there purposely, cushioned in the sand banks, holding and preserving the knowledge of the advanced and ancient Lemurian civilization. Each crystal is said to hold data and a message of unconditional love. Furthermore, each one is connected to all of the others, through and beyond, space and time.
They are commonly used for channeling work, chakra balancing and clearing, lucid dreaming, and working towards oneness in the world and in self. Their subtle energy is incredibly strong, and looks are no indication of power.  I've seen crystals that are not at all lovely to look at - but are some of the most powerful and active tools that I've ever seen. Just an amazing energy - more than you can imagine.

Russian Lemurian Crystals  were found in rugged caves in Russia, tumbled by numerous earthquakes and fractured by many geological upheavals.  Over the eons, these crystals continued to grow and many are self-healed, with elestials and multiple terminations.
The Russian Lemurians have been called "Master Healing Crystals" and also "The Sacred Scribes."  These crystals contain information about healing on all levels, as well as ancient information about the lost civilizations. They, like all Lemurian crystals, are said to be connected via other planes to one another, through and beyond time and space.

Psychic phenomena has its place in your spiritual growth.
Just be aware that, in and of itself, phenomena will not bring you happiness or peace and will never lead you to God.
 Beyond the physical, astral, causal, mental and etheric planes are the 'God Planes,'
Where the only 'thing' that is real, and permanent, is Love.

Angels are messengers. The most important message they bring to humanity is one of total love and acceptance.
Developing a greater ability to give and receive love will bring you closer to God.

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