Tuesday 29 October 2013

What’s a belief? “A belief is just a thought I keep thinking.”

What’s a belief? “A belief is just a thought I keep thinking.” So what did we just say? You have to keep thinking the thought until it becomes; you have to keep thinking the thought until you believe it—and when you believe it—it is. It’s so simple. (We are done.) [Fun] So what distracts you from that? Reality. Facts. So what? Everything that you see that you call reality is just coagulated, coalesced, combined thought—a thought that somebody thought long enough. When Esther asks, “Abraham, shouldn’t I think about that because it’s true?” we say, all truth is, is something that enough people, or a person, gave enough attention to long enough that it became a thought that they thought about and thought about and thought about and thought about and thought about it—until it attracted its equivalent.

- Abraham Hicks (The Vortex)

Key/Ke/Ki/Qui Questions

Key questions:
I will add and update this as i can.

I AM claiming common law jurisdiction I AM a sovereign, You do understand that don't you?

Who hired you?

Are you Legal Council?

Do you have a solicitor/barrister?

Who are you and whom put you up to this criminal activity you are committing, aiding and abetting the fraud of attempting to create joinder between me the living and a dead legal crown copyright name?

Is that an order? Yes, well under your rules an order preceeds a bill therefore i will have to bill you for that before i can perform said order. That will be £?? savvy?

Are you looking for the Legal name fiction in order to commit fraud or are you looking for the lawful name and living being?

The (Temple) BAR Association has Esquires on this land that help with the takeover that the Vatican did in 1812 when the U.S. lost the war and the Brits decided that making the natives be-LIE-ve they were free was a better way to control slaves, so the flag was kept and the lies implemented.
If you consent, you are a slave.

Lose the DEAD legal crown copyright birth certificate name and we can finally win their evil (opposite of LIVE) soul chastising game I AM not a person either but i have been called a person, i will only 'have' that which exists and a fictitious creation made with the birth certificate of which was created with assumption, presumption, deceit, SPELLings and unclean hands that i could never use without automatically being in dishonor and a position of fraud is something i will not have... Let the un-clean 'have' their unclean creations

When you/we/i finally step out of the whores jurisfiction whilst allowing no assumption or presumption to be created via LEGAL ID/identification of which gives them the legal joinder with you/me and the dead entity/legal fiction/crown copyright name they needed to put you in dishonour and a position of fraud. You can then step into being a supreme sovereign creator within common law jurisdiction and that bit of fact or truth is scaring the shit out of 'them' especially now their 'top man' within the BABYLONdon whores jurisfiction has brought upon 'them' the 'corps/dead/legal/commercial/corpse' an 'apocalypse'-apocalypse meaning the lifting of the veil of ecclesiastical immunity in form of the apostolic letter issued 'moto proprio' which came into force 2013, 1st sept. not that they ever truely had any spiritual immunity the ignorant f*ckers but now they have had the little ritual in order to let them see any ecclesiastical/spiritual immunity they once were deluded into be-LIE-ving they had, has NOW well and truely gone gone gone, did i say gone yet?

Lawful keeps you in common law, LEGAL makes you DEAD and puts you in fraud.
REMEMBER DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES. Therefore dead men can speak no truth, no nothing as they have no voice/life...,
Now could that be why a judge might tell us they cannot HEAR us when we claim in a court room under the LEGAL name?

YOU, Same as I, Are NOT the LEGAL NAME, Yes it is your Lawful name BUT within LEGAL-LAND it is always ASSUMED AND PRESUMED you are the DEAD LEGAL fiction/Legal/crown copyright NAME through legal identification thus creating the legal joinder with the legal name they needed to put you in dishonour and a position of fraud

In the words of Kate of Gaia "Ye are a God... Now fucking act like one!"
unfortunately....by using a LEGAL NAME you never disclosed your own fraudulent position either....when one seeks to blame another via a situation, best take full measure of self as in what role did you play to enable this system in the first place...honour and dishonour....that is the only contract here
let he who is blameless, cast the first stone...in short...best get to the truth mirror
one cannot serve two masters...you are either a fraud committing LEGAL NAME or a lawful living name that has no ID-entity attached to it making you dead by your own consent ♥


Creating Joinder between me the living and the LEGAL name
It would not be easy for them as i have absolutely no legal identification what so ever, no licenses, passport, bank cards, credit cards nothing, nor have i ever voted or given the power of my voice knowingly to anyone (i'm 30 years young allegedly) not because i knew any of what i now know but because i never felt the need to or right in doing so.

Saying that I do like to carry on me a copy of the fraud created with unclean hands a.k.a Birth/Berth Certificate, to be honest mostly to see the reaction and 'plant seeds of thought' when i offer it to any asking for ID explaining the fraud and how they can, if they wish to use said document/certificate to identify me knowing words on paper can clearly not be me! so they will be committing fraud and i do wash my hands of it thus any joinder created will be their SOUL responsibility and I will play no part in theirs or any other fraudulent misconduct.

I have never been arrested nor have i EVER entered a courtroom under the LEGAL name and i have no intention of ever being so. To me that is proof the deception starts and ends with the certification of birth  it's usually at that point i explain I AM now invoking  (invoking because I AM calling on spirit in prayer, as a witness, or for inspiration as appose to EVOKE to me implying i am using an exterior force or something without me) my duty to remain silent. as of yet i have never been 'arrested', usual reaction is "your insane love, we got better stuff to do" as they walk off...

 A friend recently told me "My Grandfather always said that insanity has the highest form of rationale. It does not require controlling dictates, and knows right from wrong. Those that would has you believe the opposite are those that attempt to turn good to bad." says it all

As for summonsing... That is for the DEAD, and DEAD is quite the opposite of what or who I AM.
Carry NO LEGAL identification, 'ID' id meaning dead entity, now why would i carry anything holding the assumption and/or pressumtion that i am dead?

Court?? ... they truely would have to 'drag' me in there willing to bare full responsibility for their foolish actions.

What about Judges?
What about Judges?? Any man whom has a title of 'Judge' to me knows nothing of who I AM, who we are and worst of all who he is. For me, as humans we started this mess the moment we beLIEved another man/woman or child would, should or could judge us, i say it was this that gave us the idea/delusion that we longer need to judge or be mindful of our own actions. Why? because this 'judge' man whom clearly and unequivocally knows nothing about himself and even less about you or i, he can do it, he can be the one to decide for us what we can/cannot should/shouldnot. not to mention we must, in some way some how be lower than he in order for him to judge us. When we each know who the I AM is we do not judge, for by judging you i have already been judged... get it? 

venitian/phenitian/phonetician/phonics/phonetics- how the language of law was perverted maybe?

~The source for truth regarding the birth certificate fraud/deception as well as the exposure of the game in hand most of us are blindly playing without conscious knowledge of ever doing so.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Gallery | Kate of Gaia

Gallery | Kate of Gaia


Pdf file links to Kate of Gaia's Writings:

hooked-by-phonics hooked-by-phonics.....by kate of gaia We are many things. We are what we eat, what we think, what we do and what we say. It doesn't take an expert to know that if we eat poisoned foods, we in turn, are poisoned and our bodies have a constant uphill battle merely to stay alive. In this way, we tax our own bodies by our own consent. It can also be agreed that if we have constantly negative, less than wholesome thoughts, we also manifest that in our day to day attitudes. This is what separates the victims from the victors. Our actions most certainly speak volumes because they are the manifestations of our thoughts brought forth and shown in the visible light spectrum where most of our focus lies. Then there is the matter of what we speak, how we speak and the vibrations that are emitted forth into the seen and unseen universes. It is this, I wish to speak on mostly because the entirety of universes are created in the energy of sound waves, even visible light which is only a higher vibration of sound. How many times have you said something to someone only to be completely misunderstood in the intent of what you were trying to say? Such are the limitations of language and in those limitations, many tricks can be played. How often have you found yourself in a mindless debate where the one you're talking too has taken what you said in the wrong manner and you spend hours trying to fully explain it to them? This sort of interaction generally ends up tainting friendships, relationships, and family life etc. ad nauseum. Where the word was uttered, the intent was missed or turned around by an ego seeking control. How many times have you had conversations discussing a concept with another and had an "aha!" moment? These are the times when resonance of concept occurs where there was no confusion allowed to set in and where both parties were seeking unity in truth. Here's where I'll make an attempt to make those events the more common one versus the prior and why I spend precious little time trying to explain things to those simply seeking an ego stroke. In my experience, I have found great relief in deciphering the language from a slightly different perspective. Not one of spellings but rather one of hearings. Have you never wondered why they call court cases a hearing? It has to be that since you were already caught in their spellings and now they wish to add power of creation with sound vibrations. This is also why the courts/church are the masters of word trickery and also why everything is all about assumption and presumption where the intent must be proven. Intent is the only difference between first degree murder and involuntary manslaughter where either way, someone was killed and only the intent differed. It was a matter of sorting out the sounds that are used and the corresponding sounds and multitudes of variations that were attached to all the sigils we know of as letters. Many letters have multiple sounds and these are LEARNED through forced practice called school. A child learns to speak long before they learn to write. You're also going to need to get a little outside the physical box on this one as well since all speech is truly etheric and spiritual in nature; it's what universes are made of, literally. As an example, I'm going to write a few sentences in the normal spell casting way where the intent can be assumed only via habit to illustrate the power of assumption in our everyday lives. Remember, this is "Show AND Tell" so it's difficult to convey the sonics of this, without seeing the actual words I've written. "Eye halve found many pea-pull that true lee halve know idea watt there saying because they halve bean taut four a long thyme two assume, threw habit, watt they halve bean indoctrinated in two bi spells and careful training two bee anything butt there intent. Sea watt eye mene?" So, really, what are you saying and what do you really think you are saying? I can safely assume the previous paragraph based on sounds, would not be mine or yours intent, non? This is when we all need to stop and take a second listen to everything we utter, every literal creation we manifest. In this realm or dimension, we have those that have been invited in by our own calling, of our own free willed consent, like it or not. All universes are under the same laws, the same golden rule because balance must always be maintained be it perceived good and/or evil. It is all about contract here and everywhere, even the dimensions you cannot see. We observe everything, be it sonically or visually in a singular visible light/sound dimension. For proof of this, I will ask if you can see the wave patterns of sound, the infra-red spectrum, X-rays or anything of that nature? We can use technology to display vast new galaxies in the infra-red spectrum but we are unable to see them with our limited 3D eyes. We all assume far too much and yet know far less than we think we do. This is the limitation of ego that renders many stubborn to move beyond the physical 3d meatstick reality because they have been taught for a very long time that that is all there is. They do this from an early age and by "they" I mean those that have higher knowledge of the universal laws and use them to control those of us still in ignorance. I'll share a few examples in the hopes that the concept will be grasped where I prefer to show people how to fish versus simply feeding them. This game is all about self-responsibility where the masses have been lifetime trained to seek external saviors. Sorry, not one of those and certainly not yours, that violates the golden rule. I won't ruin your game and life lessons, don't ruin mine. Let's take a few words I've already written so far in this essay; Responsibility. Sound it out and see/hear what else is there that you missed in your assumptive haste that is programmed ego. Re-spawns-ability. Re, as a prefix, means to do again. Spawns is a word relating to new life or eggs of life being spawn. Ability, we'll leave alone for now but there is much hidden still in the sigils and the sounds. This is not as complicated as it sounds for it is merely the concept that must be mastered, not the totality of the art. In short, once you click on the concept that we're not saying what we mean where assumption is concerned, we break the spell. Right, write, rite or wright? So, for me, responsibility is the ability of bringing something back to life and why the system wants you to re-spawned to everything. They need your life force and depend on your ignorance to fulfill their wishes. Nifty trick eh? As serious as this game can get to be some days, we need to let go of much to begin to see things that have been hidden. Once we lose the rage of being tricked and accept it for the masterful ploy that it is, only then can we begin to play it back. It was this much mirrored effect that gave me some pretty big keys to their game and that's why their jig is up and they know it. So, how about the whirred physical? Where spellings are always deceptive, sounds tell the entire story. Every letter/sigil has more than one sound so let's take the very unique letter of "Y" that is the only one that is a vowel/vow-all and a consonant (with sound). In the word physical we are taught to say it like the letter "i" in "lift" versus how it would sound in "high" so let's switch(s-witch) it up shall we? Now "phy" sounds like "phi". Part two of the word physical is "si" as in sit but let's sound it "sigh" since that is an assumptive option. Interestingly enough, it sounds like another Greek letter "psi"(sigh sound) with the remainder of the word simply sounding like "cull". I have decided to alter/altar their spell thusly: Phi-Psi-Cull. Let's go a little deeper on this. What do the Greek letters represent? Phi and Psi are the 21st(777) and 23rd (psalms) letters of the Greek alphabet. Phi ratio is the sacred geometry of creation itself where Psi is the spirit so I see/hear the word "physical" to be a culling of the sacred creative spirit and the trap of traps. Thus why this realm has people so focused on the "meatstick" and not their true selves as consciousness and master of all things. No, it wouldn't bode well for one wishing to control anything that far out powers it if it knew it. It does take a little practice to really get the hang of it but the true art form is slowing down enough to not be distracted by everything physical and mental interfering with our abilities to do so. To be plain about it, sit down, slow down, shut up and listen closely. If you don't, you'll miss it and why we have for so long. We were the ones that assumed far too much and it was turned in the mirror to control us. If I showed you a picture of a "happy face" logo, you'd get the same concept as most everyone where pictures or glyphs are much more difficult to assume or presume anything. No, the "riting" of spells had to be more complex to outsmart those of us who might have caught on sooner. If I asked you to visualize a cat would it be safe to assume it was a tabby or was it a sabre toothed tiger? There's where we get hooked on the spells and then, by phonics. We utter the words with such irresponsible vigor yet we have no true idea what we are litter-ally puking into existence. Prefixes and suffixes are nasty little pieces of work that alter the meanings and assumptions of words dramatically. Imagine a language without them. We had that once because both of those forms are add-ons to existing words. Another interesting thing about the prefix "re" is that it is the ancient true spelling of the Egyptian sun god Ra. The letter "r" is also a very special letter to me. In Greek it re-pre-sents/sense the letter "rho" as in row, row, row your boat (mind). It is pronounced with a rrrrolling sound much like the Scottish still say it correct. That letter "rho" means "breath of spirit or spirit breath" aka creation. What, you think the Vatican's symbol/cymbal/sigil of chi/rho (key/row) is merely a fluke? The Greek letter "chi" (pronounced key) looks like the western "X" and "rho" takes the form of a "P" in reverse, and for me, that is a deliberate mirroring of the real intent. Visualize the letter P backwards and ending in a point versus being rounded and you'll know what it looks like. Let's get phonics on it. Chi can be sounded out like chee(cheap), key(quay), kai(kite) or ki(kip). I was rather fond of the kite sound so I switched it up to see what i would get, never assuming any sound whatsoever and sounding them all out to see what I would "hear/here".. Have you ever heard of a city in Egypt called Cairo (chi-rho)? Just what is the Vatican's/elites lust for Egypt anyway? Here's the thing. Take the letter P and put an X over it and there's the symbol. Since the P is reversed, also can the X be "assumed" to be reversed although not many would even think of doing that since it looks identical. Ah yes, you forgot the one important thing I mentioned earlier; Intent...oh yeah. An X can also now be considered a duality in singularity creating a literal double-cross. Have you ever heard that mentioned before as in someone "double-crossing" you? Did you never question why and where that expression (X-press-shun) came from? Now have a look at the flag of one of the other centers of evil called the City of London, state as in the union jack or the Un-ion hi-jack. Yes, one has to be a little more creative in one's thinking to see these things but I'll do my best to show a few things I used to get outside their box. Have you ever had the feeling that you've been double-crossed your whole life in one way or the other and you wanted to figure out why? The basis of true humanity is one of compassion and unconditional acceptance via free will choice, live and let live. As powerful and beautiful as that can be, it was also our downfall where it was and is the wishes of lesser caring or soulless entities to use to their own benefit. If you've ever been screwed over by another being because you trusted them fully where their intent was shown to be one of trustworthy and ended up being far less than that in their actions, you'll know what I mean. This is the reason why I never create obligations. It took me a long time to figure it out, I was in my late twenties, when something my grandfather mentioned to me finally resonated properly. "If you ever decide to lend someone money, give it with the intention of never getting it back". You see, an obligation works both ways when loans are made. This is the true nature of usury, not the ridiculous interest distraction. Only an obligation can enslave us, not the interest on it. An old saying comes to mind and one that humanity ignored and is being reminded of now. "Never a lender nor a borrower be". That doesn't mean screw everyone if they need help, no. Rather it means that if you have the means to help, do so willingly, without obligation because the truth is, it will enslave both minds, hearts and souls until the DEBT is forgiven. Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Where in that statement does it say "take"? The bottom line is this; if you give expecting it back, you're enslaving both parties where the true intent will always be shown in someone's actions. If you can't afford to give it as a gift, don't make debt slaves out of you both. This is the true trickery of spellings where you often find yourself saying "that is not what I meant/ment/mind" but it usually falls on deaf ears since the spell was already cast. this is the power of whirreds where they'll spin you out every time where the intent is left wide open to interpretation and it won't be the one you wanted unless you get a grip on the word puking we all do. The spell is broken with me where only my intent is given out now and any misunderstandings from anyone else are theirs, not mine anymore. If you misunderstand me, then you are still under the spell of sigils empowered by phonics or "spirit breath". Speaking is not an external creation, it comes from deep within, first by thought and then, through vow-call chords. Was that bow to your lady or give her a bow? I also had to bring in the musical scales to see and hear this even deeper and, in fact, music was the chi/quay/key that opened the lock/lough/waters of truth. Here's a question for you. What is the lowest beginning note on the scale and is also a nickname for money? What is the highest note and something hot you drink? I could write/rite a book on the musical scales and all the trails that i followed, one after the other with resounding epiphanies all the way. I even used these altered/altared spellings in legal documents long ago to let them know I was catching on to their word trickery. If there was anything that got me attacked, it was this unveiling of the word trickery, not the matters contained in the documents. You see, once the power of the spelling illusion was broken, it mattered not what I wrote anymore but that too many people would see the spells for what they are. Let's do another paragraph of altered spellings/intents shall we just to reinforce the concept of the double-crosses shall we? " All ways keep in mined that EVERYTHING ewe udder is Cree 8 Ted in the invisible universe. Weather ore knot ewe be leave it is knot relevant two watt is being brought in two X cyst ants and wear psi-lents is goal done. It matters knot tomb me watt ewe think ore be leave because won thing eye no is that when eye se n-knee thing, eye no eye halve created sum thing, sum wear that is an a bomb in nation two gnat your all lahs" So, the simple truth is, the less you know about this trickery, the more you need to be silent because this has been making an absolute mess of everything and it's about time we put up AND shut up until we get our e-motions (no motions) in order because when the emotions rule the mind, many bastard creations get put forth. Please don't under estimate your abilities because those that have you under their control know full well of the power they wield over us in our blissful ignorance of these laws. There are only two things one needs to control the masses and those things are fear and ignorance where both are rife in our whirled today. Every sigil, symbol, letter, number etc. are created off the flower of life or the flow-er of life and are empowered as such with creation itself. Seriously, how powerful do you think you would be if you had billions of souls doing all the manifesting because you have them babbling according to your intents? If it is your wish to keep enslaving yourself and others, then “Babylon” in ignorance. Have a second look and listen to why they had to castrate/Ka-strait Osiris which/witch makes more sense to me in that Ka is Egyptian for spirit and a strait is a narrow waterway. This is why we need to ka-strait ourselves. The more astute will quickly real eyes how many terms we use are in direct relation to the sea and maritime traditions. Ancient etymology has the words mind, boat, barque, ship, and ment as all being one and the same. Even the word phonics comes from the ancient Phoenician maritime civilization that was known for their warring ways. Think of all communications (com-you and I-Ka-shuns or with one spirit shuns) and the use of the combo letters of "ph" with "P" as reversed rho and the letter "H" which I see as a vow-all, not a consonant with no Greek letter representing it and why it is silent in most languages except (X-sept/seven) Angle/Angel-ish. If something is "ish" it means it's only sort of like the original eh? To me, the original language was silence because you can hear a sound in your mind; create it without needing to be phi-psi-cull at all. Let's look at a few other "ph" words such as even our own alkalinity levels of "ph" balance. Words like telephone and phonetics are all phony means of communication. Greek letter phi is the literal aspect of creations ratio itself. Phee, phi, pho, phum or Fee, fie, fo, fum? Are you starting to hear the picture yet? Are you starting to understand the gravity of the situations that have had us all trapped for eons because once, long ago, we opened our "pearly gates" and let heaven slip forth via a langue-gage/tongue pledge? What did you think pearly gates meant in relation to heaven? Heaven means "heaved up, thus head" and the Vatican mirror boys have had us worshipping (war-minding) their phalluses/phalaces with silent "h" all along. The word "pen" means head as well so consider a few other words where their dick worship shows up in penal colony, ( isn't the colon the place where the sun don't shine and makes sense as to why they're so into buggering little boys?), penis, penitentiary, pencil, pentagon, pentagram(theft of divine feminine) pendragon etc..... It is more important to me that people begin to see the nature of the spell versus the vastness of it and how destructively pervasive it is and how utterly distracted most of the masses are in their own culling. Trying to fix your body before you clear your mind of the garbage is like putting a brand new paint job on a car in the junkyard and why i get so adamant about getting out of the distractions. You can make a junk yard car look great but it's not going anywhere and the simple truth is, we are all driving mental Ferrari’s in a parking lot boxed in by some very clever beings. What part of “Ment-All” did you not hear? We create our own future, each and every one of us and if the focus is maintained on the physical, you're going to miss the real show and you'll be culled along with those that are yet still sleeping. Here's the good news about that and I always refer to the law of dominant frequencies for this clearing up of nonsense. How many of you are trying or have tried to awaken someone up that you knew to be sleeping be it a friend family member or otherwise? I will simply ask you to stop trespassing on their free will choice to experience life where they are at. You need only empower yourself to have the dominant frequency effect. Do you know why the "follow the crowd" is so powerful? It's because there are some that know how to dominate the frequencies to make it very uncool not to follow the trends. How down did you feel after trying and failing and ultimately pissed off someone for trying to awake them? Is that a good energy to be in and more so, share? Yeah, you'd best stop that because you are creating an obligation and a double cross while trespassing on the most fundamental law of them all; free will choice and consent. How long would it take for you to get pissed off if someone walked into your room while you're sleeping and wake you every hour on the hour? It's a different story if you ask someone to wake you at a certain hour and it is only the inevitable consent I'm seeking and waiting for. It is only important for you to power your own inner light up and that is done with knowledge, then knowledge put into action creating wisdom. You then become part of a higher frequency that is engulfing this planet right now where all lower frequencies rise to the new dominant one of positive light. Yes, even those most evil and sleepy will have to awaken as a result where they too get a chance to re-pen-t (sun of god in the head/mind of love). This physical realm is merely a playground that has been corrupted by the very few but we are equally responsible for allowing it to happen in the first place via our childlike innocence (in-no-sense) but we are getting wiser and vibrating higher by the second if the illusion of time be considered. It is also no coincidence that the Age of Pisces was the age in which the darkest aspects came into light and why the Vatican goonies wear their fish hats and became fishers/fissures of men. They got us hooked by phonics, sending forth our altared creations through our pearly gates in and of our own ignorant consent and all we have to do, is to take the hook out of our mouths and stop taking their bait because they are the master-bait-oars of the highest/lowest order. I will also finish up with this. Look at the word "aura" split in two to form au-Ra. Au is the periodic table symbol for gold and Ra is the sun of god which is you, not the one in the sky since that is only a re-fleck-shun of your true inner self. Those that have made a mess of this place with our help are here to mine our true gold, our creative energy, our aura....not the gold in the ground. No, they got us to help them destroy the consciousness of our Mother Gaia first where we were traders/traitors of her first and now, with their BOND created money, they have us cannibalizing each other where our true gold is simply being given away and culled like any other no minded, soulless crop. This is where you have the choice to be hooked, rooked and cooked by/for/of/in/on/as phonics or not. Silence truly is golden; long may you shine.....much love, kate of gaia http://kateofgaia.wordpress.com/kates-writings/

Hooked By Phonics.....by kate of gaia
We are many things. We are what we eat, what we think, what we do and what we
say. It doesn't take an expert to know that if we eat poisoned foods, we in turn, are
poisoned and our bodies have a constant uphill battle merely to stay alive. In this
way, we tax our own bodies by our own consent. It can also be agreed that if we
have constantly negative, less than wholesome thoughts, we also manifest that in
our day to day attitudes. This is what separates the victims from the victors. Our
actions most certainly speak volumes because they are the manifestations of our
thoughts brought forth and shown in the visible light spectrum where most of our
focus lies. Then there is the matter of what we speak, how we speak and the
vibrations that are emitted forth into the seen and unseen universes. It is this, I wish
to speak on mostly because the entirety of universes are created in the energy of
sound waves, even visible light which is only a higher vibration of sound.
How many times have you said something to someone only to be completely
misunderstood in the intent of what you were trying to say? Such are the limitations
of language and in those limitations, many tricks can be played. How often have
you found yourself in a mindless debate where the one you're talking too has taken
what you said in the wrong manner and you spend hours trying to fully explain it to
them? This sort of interaction generally ends up tainting friendships, relationships,
and family life etc. ad nauseum.
Where the word was uttered, the intent was missed or turned around by an ego
seeking control. How many times have you had conversations discussing a concept
with another and had an "aha!" moment? These are the times when resonance of
concept occurs where there was no confusion allowed to set in and where both
parties were seeking unity in truth. Here's where I'll make an attempt to make those
events the more common one versus the prior and why I spend precious little time
trying to explain things to those simply seeking an ego stroke.
In my experience, I have found great relief in deciphering the language from a
slightly different perspective. Not one of spellings but rather one of hearings. Have
you never wondered why they call court cases a hearing? It has to be that since you
were already caught in their spellings and now they wish to add power of creation
with sound vibrations. This is also why the courts/church are the masters of word
trickery and also why everything is all about assumption and presumption where
the intent must be proven. Intent is the only difference between first degree murder
and involuntary manslaughter where either way, someone was killed and only the
intent differed.
It was a matter of sorting out the sounds that are used and the corresponding
sounds and multitudes of variations that were attached to all the sigils we know of
as letters. Many letters have multiple sounds and these are LEARNED through
forced practice called school. A child learns to speak long before they learn to write.
You're also going to need to get a little outside the physical box on this one as well
since all speech is truly etheric and spiritual in nature; it's what universes are made
of, literally. As an example, I'm going to write a few sentences in the normal spell
casting way where the intent can be assumed only via habit to illustrate the power
of assumption in our everyday lives. Remember, this is "Show AND Tell" so it's
difficult to convey the sonics of this, without seeing the actual words I've written.
"Eye halve found many pea-pull that true lee halve know idea watt there saying
because they halve bean taut four a long thyme two assume, threw habit, watt they
halve bean indoctrinated in two bi spells and careful training two bee anything butt
there intent. Sea watt eye mene?"
So, really, what are you saying and what do you really think you are saying? I can
safely assume the previous paragraph based on sounds, would not be mine or yours
intent, non? This is when we all need to stop and take a second listen to everything
we utter, every literal creation we manifest. In this realm or dimension, we have
those that have been invited in by our own calling, of our own free willed consent,
like it or not. All universes are under the same laws, the same golden rule because
balance must always be maintained be it perceived good and/or evil. It is all about
contract here and everywhere, even the dimensions you cannot see. We observe
everything, be it sonically or visually in a singular visible light/sound dimension. For
proof of this, I will ask if you can see the wave patterns of sound, the infra-red
spectrum, X-rays or anything of that nature? We can use technology to display vast
new galaxies in the infra-red spectrum but we are unable to see them with our
limited 3D eyes.
We all assume far too much and yet know far less than we think we do. This is the
limitation of ego that renders many stubborn to move beyond the physical 3d
meatstick reality because they have been taught for a very long time that that is all
there is. They do this from an early age and by "they" I mean those that have
higher knowledge of the universal laws and use them to control those of us still in
ignorance. I'll share a few examples in the hopes that the concept will be grasped
where I prefer to show people how to fish versus simply feeding them. This game is
all about self-responsibility where the masses have been lifetime trained to seek
external saviors. Sorry, not one of those and certainly not yours, that violates the
golden rule. I won't ruin your game and life lessons, don't ruin mine.
Let's take a few words I've already written so far in this essay; Responsibility. Sound
it out and see/hear what else is there that you missed in your assumptive haste that
is programmed ego. Re-spawns-ability. Re, as a prefix, means to do again. Spawns
is a word relating to new life or eggs of life being spawn. Ability, we'll leave alone
for now but there is much hidden still in the sigils and the sounds. This is not as
complicated as it sounds for it is merely the concept that must be mastered, not the
totality of the art. In short, once you click on the concept that we're not saying what
we mean where assumption is concerned, we break the spell. Right, write, rite or
wright? So, for me, responsibility is the ability of bringing something back to life and
why the system wants you to re-spawned to everything. They need your life force
and depend on your ignorance to fulfill their wishes. Nifty trick eh?
As serious as this game can get to be some days, we need to let go of much to
begin to see things that have been hidden. Once we lose the rage of being tricked
and accept it for the masterful ploy that it is, only then can we begin to play it back.
It was this much mirrored effect that gave me some pretty big keys to their game
and that's why their jig is up and they know it. So, how about the whirred physical?
Where spellings are always deceptive, sounds tell the entire story. Every letter/sigil
has more than one sound so let's take the very unique letter of "Y" that is the only
one that is a vowel/vow-all and a consonant (with sound). In the word physical we
are taught to say it like the letter "i" in "lift" versus how it would sound in "high" so
let's switch(s-witch) it up shall we? Now "phy" sounds like "phi". Part two of the
word physical is "si" as in sit but let's sound it "sigh" since that is an assumptive
option. Interestingly enough, it sounds like another Greek letter "psi"(sigh sound)
with the remainder of the word simply sounding like "cull". I have decided to
alter/altar their spell thusly: Phi-Psi-Cull.
Let's go a little deeper on this. What do the Greek letters represent? Phi and Psi are
the 21st(777) and 23rd (psalms) letters of the Greek alphabet. Phi ratio is the
sacred geometry of creation itself where Psi is the spirit so I see/hear the word
"physical" to be a culling of the sacred creative spirit and the trap of traps. Thus
why this realm has people so focused on the "meatstick" and not their true selves
as consciousness and master of all things. No, it wouldn't bode well for one wishing
to control anything that far out powers it if it knew it. It does take a little practice to
really get the hang of it but the true art form is slowing down enough to not be
distracted by everything physical and mental interfering with our abilities to do so.
To be plain about it, sit down, slow down, shut up and listen closely. If you don't,
you'll miss it and why we have for so long. We were the ones that assumed far too
much and it was turned in the mirror to control us.
If I showed you a picture of a "happy face" logo, you'd get the same concept as
most everyone where pictures or glyphs are much more difficult to assume or
presume anything. No, the "riting" of spells had to be more complex to outsmart
those of us who might have caught on sooner. If I asked you to visualize a cat would
it be safe to assume it was a tabby or was it a sabre toothed tiger? There's where
we get hooked on the spells and then, by phonics. We utter the words with such
irresponsible vigor yet we have no true idea what we are litter-ally puking into
existence. Prefixes and suffixes are nasty little pieces of work that alter the
meanings and assumptions of words dramatically. Imagine a language without
them. We had that once because both of those forms are add-ons to existing words.
Another interesting thing about the prefix "re" is that it is the ancient true spelling
of the Egyptian sun god Ra.
The letter "r" is also a very special letter to me. In Greek it re-pre-sents/sense the
letter "rho" as in row, row, row your boat (mind). It is pronounced with a rrrrolling
sound much like the Scottish still say it correct. That letter "rho" means "breath of
spirit or spirit breath" aka creation. What, you think the Vatican's
symbol/cymbal/sigil of chi/rho (key/row) is merely a fluke? The Greek letter "chi"
(pronounced key) looks like the western "X" and "rho" takes the form of a "P" in
reverse, and for me, that is a deliberate mirroring of the real intent. Visualize the
letter P backwards and ending in a point versus being rounded and you'll know what
it looks like. Let's get phonics on it. Chi can be sounded out like chee(cheap),
key(quay), kai(kite) or ki(kip). I was rather fond of the kite sound so I switched it up
to see what i would get, never assuming any sound whatsoever and sounding them
all out to see what I would "hear/here"..
Have you ever heard of a city in Egypt called Cairo (chi-rho)? Just what is the
Vatican's/elites lust for Egypt anyway? Here's the thing. Take the letter P and put an
X over it and there's the symbol. Since the P is reversed, also can the X be
"assumed" to be reversed although not many would even think of doing that since it
looks identical. Ah yes, you forgot the one important thing I mentioned earlier;
Intent...oh yeah. An X can also now be considered a duality in singularity creating a
literal double-cross. Have you ever heard that mentioned before as in someone
"double-crossing" you? Did you never question why and where that expression
(X-press-shun) came from? Now have a look at the flag of one of the other centers
of evil called the City of London, state as in the union jack or the Un-ion hi-jack. Yes,
one has to be a little more creative in one's thinking to see these things but I'll do
my best to show a few things I used to get outside their box.
Have you ever had the feeling that you've been double-crossed your whole life in
one way or the other and you wanted to figure out why? The basis of true humanity
is one of compassion and unconditional acceptance via free will choice, live and let
live. As powerful and beautiful as that can be, it was also our downfall where it was
and is the wishes of lesser caring or soulless entities to use to their own benefit. If
you've ever been screwed over by another being because you trusted them fully
where their intent was shown to be one of trustworthy and ended up being far less
than that in their actions, you'll know what I mean. This is the reason why I never
create obligations. It took me a long time to figure it out, I was in my late twenties,
when something my grandfather mentioned to me finally resonated properly.
"If you ever decide to lend someone money, give it with the intention of never
getting it back". You see, an obligation works both ways when loans are made. This
is the true nature of usury, not the ridiculous interest distraction. Only an obligation
can enslave us, not the interest on it. An old saying comes to mind and one that
humanity ignored and is being reminded of now. "Never a lender nor a borrower
be". That doesn't mean screw everyone if they need help, no. Rather it means that
if you have the means to help, do so willingly, without obligation because the truth
is, it will enslave both minds, hearts and souls until the DEBT is forgiven. Forgive us
our debts as we forgive our debtors. Where in that statement does it say "take"?
The bottom line is this; if you give expecting it back, you're enslaving both parties
where the true intent will always be shown in someone's actions. If you can't afford
to give it as a gift, don't make debt slaves out of you both.
This is the true trickery of spellings where you often find yourself saying "that is not
what I meant/ment/mind" but it usually falls on deaf ears since the spell was
already cast. this is the power of whirreds where they'll spin you out every time
where the intent is left wide open to interpretation and it won't be the one you
wanted unless you get a grip on the word puking we all do. The spell is broken with
me where only my intent is given out now and any misunderstandings from anyone
else are theirs, not mine anymore. If you misunderstand me, then you are still under
the spell of sigils empowered by phonics or "spirit breath". Speaking is not an
external creation, it comes from deep within, first by thought and then, through
vow-call chords. Was that bow to your lady or give her a bow?
I also had to bring in the musical scales to see and hear this even deeper and, in
fact, music was the chi/quay/key that opened the lock/lough/waters of truth. Here's
a question for you. What is the lowest beginning note on the scale and is also a
nickname for money? What is the highest note and something hot you drink? I could
write/rite a book on the musical scales and all the trails that i followed, one after the
other with resounding epiphanies all the way. I even used these altered/altared
spellings in legal documents long ago to let them know I was catching on to their
word trickery. If there was anything that got me attacked, it was this unveiling of
the word trickery, not the matters contained in the documents. You see, once the
power of the spelling illusion was broken, it mattered not what I wrote anymore but
that too many people would see the spells for what they are.
Let's do another paragraph of altered spellings/intents shall we just to reinforce the
concept of the double-crosses shall we?
" All ways keep in mined that EVERYTHING ewe udder is Cree 8 Ted in the invisible
universe. Weather ore knot ewe be leave it is knot relevant two watt is being
brought in two X cyst ants and wear psi-lents is goal done. It matters knot tomb me
watt ewe think ore be leave because won thing eye no is that when eye se n-knee
thing, eye no eye halve created sum thing, sum wear that is an a bomb in nation
two gnat your all lahs"
So, the simple truth is, the less you know about this trickery, the more you need to
be silent because this has been making an absolute mess of everything and it's
about time we put up AND shut up until we get our e-motions (no motions) in order
because when the emotions rule the mind, many bastard creations get put forth.
Please don't under estimate your abilities because those that have you under their
control know full well of the power they wield over us in our blissful ignorance of
these laws. There are only two things one needs to control the masses and those
things are fear and ignorance where both are rife in our whirled today.
Every sigil, symbol, letter, number etc. are created off the flower of life or the
flow-er of life and are empowered as such with creation itself. Seriously, how
powerful do you think you would be if you had billions of souls doing all the
manifesting because you have them babbling according to your intents? If it is your
wish to keep enslaving yourself and others, then “Babylon” in ignorance. Have a
second look and listen to why they had to castrate/Ka-strait Osiris which/witch
makes more sense to me in that Ka is Egyptian for spirit and a strait is a narrow
waterway. This is why we need to ka-strait ourselves. The more astute will quickly
real eyes how many terms we use are in direct relation to the sea and maritime
Ancient etymology has the words mind, boat, barque, ship, and ment as all being
one and the same. Even the word phonics comes from the ancient Phoenician
maritime civilization that was known for their warring ways. Think of all
communications (com-you and I-Ka-shuns or with one spirit shuns) and the use of
the combo letters of "ph" with "P" as reversed rho and the letter "H" which I see as
a vow-all, not a consonant with no Greek letter representing it and why it is silent in
most languages except (X-sept/seven) Angle/Angel-ish. If something is "ish" it
means it's only sort of like the original eh? To me, the original language was silence
because you can hear a sound in your mind; create it without needing to be
phi-psi-cull at all.
Let's look at a few other "ph" words such as even our own alkalinity levels of "ph"
balance. Words like telephone and phonetics are all phony means of
communication. Greek letter phi is the literal aspect of creations ratio itself. Phee,
phi, pho, phum or Fee, fie, fo, fum? Are you starting to hear the picture yet? Are you
starting to understand the gravity of the situations that have had us all trapped for
eons because once, long ago, we opened our "pearly gates" and let heaven slip
forth via a langue-gage/tongue pledge? What did you think pearly gates meant in
relation to heaven? Heaven means "heaved up, thus head" and the Vatican mirror
boys have had us worshipping (war-minding) their phalluses/phalaces with silent "h"
all along. The word "pen" means head as well so consider a few other words where
their dick worship shows up in penal colony, ( isn't the colon the place where the
sun don't shine and makes sense as to why they're so into buggering little boys?),
penis, penitentiary, pencil, pentagon, pentagram(theft of divine feminine)
pendragon etc.....
It is more important to me that people begin to see the nature of the spell versus
the vastness of it and how destructively pervasive it is and how utterly distracted
most of the masses are in their own culling. Trying to fix your body before you clear
your mind of the garbage is like putting a brand new paint job on a car in the
junkyard and why i get so adamant about getting out of the distractions. You can
make a junk yard car look great but it's not going anywhere and the simple truth is,
we are all driving mental Ferrari’s in a parking lot boxed in by some very clever
beings. What part of “Ment-All” did you not hear? We create our own future, each
and every one of us and if the focus is maintained on the physical, you're going to
miss the real show and you'll be culled along with those that are yet still sleeping.
Here's the good news about that and I always refer to the law of dominant
frequencies for this clearing up of nonsense. How many of you are trying or have
tried to awaken someone up that you knew to be sleeping be it a friend family
member or otherwise? I will simply ask you to stop trespassing on their free will
choice to experience life where they are at. You need only empower yourself to
have the dominant frequency effect. Do you know why the "follow the crowd" is so
powerful? It's because there are some that know how to dominate the frequencies
to make it very uncool not to follow the trends. How down did you feel after trying
and failing and ultimately pissed off someone for trying to awake them? Is that a
good energy to be in and more so, share? Yeah, you'd best stop that because you
are creating an obligation and a double cross while trespassing on the most
fundamental law of them all; free will choice and consent.
How long would it take for you to get pissed off if someone walked into your room
while you're sleeping and wake you every hour on the hour? It's a different story if
you ask someone to wake you at a certain hour and it is only the inevitable consent
I'm seeking and waiting for. It is only important for you to power your own inner
light up and that is done with knowledge, then knowledge put into action creating
wisdom. You then become part of a higher frequency that is engulfing this planet
right now where all lower frequencies rise to the new dominant one of positive light.
Yes, even those most evil and sleepy will have to awaken as a result where they too
get a chance to re-pen-t (sun of god in the head/mind of love). This physical realm is
merely a playground that has been corrupted by the very few but we are equally
responsible for allowing it to happen in the first place via our childlike innocence
(in-no-sense) but we are getting wiser and vibrating higher by the second if the
illusion of time be considered.
It is also no coincidence that the Age of Pisces was the age in which the darkest
aspects came into light and why the Vatican goonies wear their fish hats and
became fishers/fissures of men. They got us hooked by phonics, sending forth our
altared creations through our pearly gates in and of our own ignorant consent and
all we have to do, is to take the hook out of our mouths and stop taking their bait
because they are the master-bait-oars of the highest/lowest order. I will also finish
up with this. Look at the word "aura" split in two to form au-Ra. Au is the periodic
table symbol for gold and Ra is the sun of god which is you, not the one in the sky
since that is only a re-fleck-shun of your true inner self. Those that have made a
mess of this place with our help are here to mine our true gold, our creative energy,
our aura....not the gold in the ground. No, they got us to help them destroy the
consciousness of our Mother Gaia first where we were traders/traitors of her first
and now, with their BOND created money, they have us cannibalizing each other
where our true gold is simply being given away and culled like any other no minded,
soulless crop. This is where you have the choice to be hooked, rooked and cooked
by/for/of/in/on/as phonics or not. Silence truly is golden; long may you
shine.....much love, kate of gaia   
hooked-by-phonics.....by kate of gaia
We are many things. We are what we eat, what we think, what we do and what we
say. It doesn't take an expert to know that if we eat poisoned foods, we in turn, are
poisoned and our bodies have a constant uphill battle merely to stay alive. In this
way, we tax our own bodies by our own consent. It can also be agreed that if we
have constantly negative, less than wholesome thoughts, we also manifest that in
our day to day attitudes. This is what separates the victims from the victors. Our
actions most certainly speak volumes because they are the manifestations of our
thoughts brought forth and shown in the visible light spectrum where most of our
focus lies. Then there is the matter of what we speak, how we speak and the
vibrations that are emitted forth into the seen and unseen universes. It is this, I wish
to speak on mostly because the entirety of universes are created in the energy of
sound waves, even visible light which is only a higher vibration of sound.
How many times have you said something to someone only to be completely
misunderstood in the intent of what you were trying to say? Such are the limitations
of language and in those limitations, many tricks can be played. How often have
you found yourself in a mindless debate where the one you're talking too has taken
what you said in the wrong manner and you spend hours trying to fully explain it to
them? This sort of interaction generally ends up tainting friendships, relationships,
and family life etc. ad nauseum.
Where the word was uttered, the intent was missed or turned around by an ego
seeking control. How many times have you had conversations discussing a concept
with another and had an "aha!" moment? These are the times when resonance of
concept occurs where there was no confusion allowed to set in and where both
parties were seeking unity in truth. Here's where I'll make an attempt to make those
events the more common one versus the prior and why I spend precious little time
trying to explain things to those simply seeking an ego stroke.
In my experience, I have found great relief in deciphering the language from a
slightly different perspective. Not one of spellings but rather one of hearings. Have
you never wondered why they call court cases a hearing? It has to be that since you
were already caught in their spellings and now they wish to add power of creation
with sound vibrations. This is also why the courts/church are the masters of word
trickery and also why everything is all about assumption and presumption where
the intent must be proven. Intent is the only difference between first degree murder
and involuntary manslaughter where either way, someone was killed and only the
intent differed.
It was a matter of sorting out the sounds that are used and the corresponding
sounds and multitudes of variations that were attached to all the sigils we know of
as letters. Many letters have multiple sounds and these are LEARNED through
forced practice called school. A child learns to speak long before they learn to write.
You're also going to need to get a little outside the physical box on this one as well
since all speech is truly etheric and spiritual in nature; it's what universes are made
of, literally. As an example, I'm going to write a few sentences in the normal spell
casting way where the intent can be assumed only via habit to illustrate the power
of assumption in our everyday lives. Remember, this is "Show AND Tell" so it's
difficult to convey the sonics of this, without seeing the actual words I've written.
"Eye halve found many pea-pull that true lee halve know idea watt there saying
because they halve bean taut four a long thyme two assume, threw habit, watt they
halve bean indoctrinated in two bi spells and careful training two bee anything butt
there intent. Sea watt eye mene?"
So, really, what are you saying and what do you really think you are saying? I can
safely assume the previous paragraph based on sounds, would not be mine or yours
intent, non? This is when we all need to stop and take a second listen to everything
we utter, every literal creation we manifest. In this realm or dimension, we have
those that have been invited in by our own calling, of our own free willed consent,
like it or not. All universes are under the same laws, the same golden rule because
balance must always be maintained be it perceived good and/or evil. It is all about
contract here and everywhere, even the dimensions you cannot see. We observe
everything, be it sonically or visually in a singular visible light/sound dimension. For
proof of this, I will ask if you can see the wave patterns of sound, the infra-red
spectrum, X-rays or anything of that nature? We can use technology to display vast
new galaxies in the infra-red spectrum but we are unable to see them with our
limited 3D eyes.
We all assume far too much and yet know far less than we think we do. This is the
limitation of ego that renders many stubborn to move beyond the physical 3d
meatstick reality because they have been taught for a very long time that that is all
there is. They do this from an early age and by "they" I mean those that have
higher knowledge of the universal laws and use them to control those of us still in
ignorance. I'll share a few examples in the hopes that the concept will be grasped
where I prefer to show people how to fish versus simply feeding them. This game is
all about self-responsibility where the masses have been lifetime trained to seek
external saviors. Sorry, not one of those and certainly not yours, that violates the
golden rule. I won't ruin your game and life lessons, don't ruin mine.
Let's take a few words I've already written so far in this essay; Responsibility. Sound
it out and see/hear what else is there that you missed in your assumptive haste that
is programmed ego. Re-spawns-ability. Re, as a prefix, means to do again. Spawns
is a word relating to new life or eggs of life being spawn. Ability, we'll leave alone
for now but there is much hidden still in the sigils and the sounds. This is not as
complicated as it sounds for it is merely the concept that must be mastered, not the
totality of the art. In short, once you click on the concept that we're not saying what
we mean where assumption is concerned, we break the spell. Right, write, rite or
wright? So, for me, responsibility is the ability of bringing something back to life and
why the system wants you to re-spawned to everything. They need your life force
and depend on your ignorance to fulfill their wishes. Nifty trick eh?
As serious as this game can get to be some days, we need to let go of much to
begin to see things that have been hidden. Once we lose the rage of being tricked
and accept it for the masterful ploy that it is, only then can we begin to play it back.
It was this much mirrored effect that gave me some pretty big keys to their game
and that's why their jig is up and they know it. So, how about the whirred physical?
Where spellings are always deceptive, sounds tell the entire story. Every letter/sigil
has more than one sound so let's take the very unique letter of "Y" that is the only
one that is a vowel/vow-all and a consonant (with sound). In the word physical we
are taught to say it like the letter "i" in "lift" versus how it would sound in "high" so
let's switch(s-witch) it up shall we? Now "phy" sounds like "phi". Part two of the
word physical is "si" as in sit but let's sound it "sigh" since that is an assumptive
option. Interestingly enough, it sounds like another Greek letter "psi"(sigh sound)
with the remainder of the word simply sounding like "cull". I have decided to
alter/altar their spell thusly: Phi-Psi-Cull.
Let's go a little deeper on this. What do the Greek letters represent? Phi and Psi are
the 21st(777) and 23rd (psalms) letters of the Greek alphabet. Phi ratio is the
sacred geometry of creation itself where Psi is the spirit so I see/hear the word
"physical" to be a culling of the sacred creative spirit and the trap of traps. Thus
why this realm has people so focused on the "meatstick" and not their true selves
as consciousness and master of all things. No, it wouldn't bode well for one wishing
to control anything that far out powers it if it knew it. It does take a little practice to
really get the hang of it but the true art form is slowing down enough to not be
distracted by everything physical and mental interfering with our abilities to do so.
To be plain about it, sit down, slow down, shut up and listen closely. If you don't,
you'll miss it and why we have for so long. We were the ones that assumed far too
much and it was turned in the mirror to control us.
If I showed you a picture of a "happy face" logo, you'd get the same concept as
most everyone where pictures or glyphs are much more difficult to assume or
presume anything. No, the "riting" of spells had to be more complex to outsmart
those of us who might have caught on sooner. If I asked you to visualize a cat would
it be safe to assume it was a tabby or was it a sabre toothed tiger? There's where
we get hooked on the spells and then, by phonics. We utter the words with such
irresponsible vigor yet we have no true idea what we are litter-ally puking into
existence. Prefixes and suffixes are nasty little pieces of work that alter the
meanings and assumptions of words dramatically. Imagine a language without
them. We had that once because both of those forms are add-ons to existing words.
Another interesting thing about the prefix "re" is that it is the ancient true spelling
of the Egyptian sun god Ra.
The letter "r" is also a very special letter to me. In Greek it re-pre-sents/sense the
letter "rho" as in row, row, row your boat (mind). It is pronounced with a rrrrolling
sound much like the Scottish still say it correct. That letter "rho" means "breath of
spirit or spirit breath" aka creation. What, you think the Vatican's
symbol/cymbal/sigil of chi/rho (key/row) is merely a fluke? The Greek letter "chi"
(pronounced key) looks like the western "X" and "rho" takes the form of a "P" in
reverse, and for me, that is a deliberate mirroring of the real intent. Visualize the
letter P backwards and ending in a point versus being rounded and you'll know what
it looks like. Let's get phonics on it. Chi can be sounded out like chee(cheap),
key(quay), kai(kite) or ki(kip). I was rather fond of the kite sound so I switched it up
to see what i would get, never assuming any sound whatsoever and sounding them
all out to see what I would "hear/here"..
Have you ever heard of a city in Egypt called Cairo (chi-rho)? Just what is the
Vatican's/elites lust for Egypt anyway? Here's the thing. Take the letter P and put an
X over it and there's the symbol. Since the P is reversed, also can the X be
"assumed" to be reversed although not many would even think of doing that since it
looks identical. Ah yes, you forgot the one important thing I mentioned earlier;
Intent...oh yeah. An X can also now be considered a duality in singularity creating a
literal double-cross. Have you ever heard that mentioned before as in someone
"double-crossing" you? Did you never question why and where that expression
(X-press-shun) came from? Now have a look at the flag of one of the other centers
of evil called the City of London, state as in the union jack or the Un-ion hi-jack. Yes,
one has to be a little more creative in one's thinking to see these things but I'll do
my best to show a few things I used to get outside their box.
Have you ever had the feeling that you've been double-crossed your whole life in
one way or the other and you wanted to figure out why? The basis of true humanity
is one of compassion and unconditional acceptance via free will choice, live and let
live. As powerful and beautiful as that can be, it was also our downfall where it was
and is the wishes of lesser caring or soulless entities to use to their own benefit. If
you've ever been screwed over by another being because you trusted them fully
where their intent was shown to be one of trustworthy and ended up being far less
than that in their actions, you'll know what I mean. This is the reason why I never
create obligations. It took me a long time to figure it out, I was in my late twenties,
when something my grandfather mentioned to me finally resonated properly.
"If you ever decide to lend someone money, give it with the intention of never
getting it back". You see, an obligation works both ways when loans are made. This
is the true nature of usury, not the ridiculous interest distraction. Only an obligation
can enslave us, not the interest on it. An old saying comes to mind and one that
humanity ignored and is being reminded of now. "Never a lender nor a borrower
be". That doesn't mean screw everyone if they need help, no. Rather it means that
if you have the means to help, do so willingly, without obligation because the truth
is, it will enslave both minds, hearts and souls until the DEBT is forgiven. Forgive us
our debts as we forgive our debtors. Where in that statement does it say "take"?
The bottom line is this; if you give expecting it back, you're enslaving both parties
where the true intent will always be shown in someone's actions. If you can't afford
to give it as a gift, don't make debt slaves out of you both.
This is the true trickery of spellings where you often find yourself saying "that is not
what I meant/ment/mind" but it usually falls on deaf ears since the spell was
already cast. this is the power of whirreds where they'll spin you out every time
where the intent is left wide open to interpretation and it won't be the one you
wanted unless you get a grip on the word puking we all do. The spell is broken with
me where only my intent is given out now and any misunderstandings from anyone
else are theirs, not mine anymore. If you misunderstand me, then you are still under
the spell of sigils empowered by phonics or "spirit breath". Speaking is not an
external creation, it comes from deep within, first by thought and then, through
vow-call chords. Was that bow to your lady or give her a bow?
I also had to bring in the musical scales to see and hear this even deeper and, in
fact, music was the chi/quay/key that opened the lock/lough/waters of truth. Here's
a question for you. What is the lowest beginning note on the scale and is also a
nickname for money? What is the highest note and something hot you drink? I could
write/rite a book on the musical scales and all the trails that i followed, one after the
other with resounding epiphanies all the way. I even used these altered/altared
spellings in legal documents long ago to let them know I was catching on to their
word trickery. If there was anything that got me attacked, it was this unveiling of
the word trickery, not the matters contained in the documents. You see, once the
power of the spelling illusion was broken, it mattered not what I wrote anymore but
that too many people would see the spells for what they are.
Let's do another paragraph of altered spellings/intents shall we just to reinforce the
concept of the double-crosses shall we?
" All ways keep in mined that EVERYTHING ewe udder is Cree 8 Ted in the invisible
universe. Weather ore knot ewe be leave it is knot relevant two watt is being
brought in two X cyst ants and wear psi-lents is goal done. It matters knot tomb me
watt ewe think ore be leave because won thing eye no is that when eye se n-knee
thing, eye no eye halve created sum thing, sum wear that is an a bomb in nation
two gnat your all lahs"
So, the simple truth is, the less you know about this trickery, the more you need to
be silent because this has been making an absolute mess of everything and it's
about time we put up AND shut up until we get our e-motions (no motions) in order
because when the emotions rule the mind, many bastard creations get put forth.
Please don't under estimate your abilities because those that have you under their
control know full well of the power they wield over us in our blissful ignorance of
these laws. There are only two things one needs to control the masses and those
things are fear and ignorance where both are rife in our whirled today.
Every sigil, symbol, letter, number etc. are created off the flower of life or the
flow-er of life and are empowered as such with creation itself. Seriously, how
powerful do you think you would be if you had billions of souls doing all the
manifesting because you have them babbling according to your intents? If it is your
wish to keep enslaving yourself and others, then “Babylon” in ignorance. Have a
second look and listen to why they had to castrate/Ka-strait Osiris which/witch
makes more sense to me in that Ka is Egyptian for spirit and a strait is a narrow
waterway. This is why we need to ka-strait ourselves. The more astute will quickly
real eyes how many terms we use are in direct relation to the sea and maritime
Ancient etymology has the words mind, boat, barque, ship, and ment as all being
one and the same. Even the word phonics comes from the ancient Phoenician
maritime civilization that was known for their warring ways. Think of all
communications (com-you and I-Ka-shuns or with one spirit shuns) and the use of
the combo letters of "ph" with "P" as reversed rho and the letter "H" which I see as
a vow-all, not a consonant with no Greek letter representing it and why it is silent in
most languages except (X-sept/seven) Angle/Angel-ish. If something is "ish" it
means it's only sort of like the original eh? To me, the original language was silence
because you can hear a sound in your mind; create it without needing to be
phi-psi-cull at all.
Let's look at a few other "ph" words such as even our own alkalinity levels of "ph"
balance. Words like telephone and phonetics are all phony means of
communication. Greek letter phi is the literal aspect of creations ratio itself. Phee,
phi, pho, phum or Fee, fie, fo, fum? Are you starting to hear the picture yet? Are you
starting to understand the gravity of the situations that have had us all trapped for
eons because once, long ago, we opened our "pearly gates" and let heaven slip
forth via a langue-gage/tongue pledge? What did you think pearly gates meant in
relation to heaven? Heaven means "heaved up, thus head" and the Vatican mirror
boys have had us worshipping (war-minding) their phalluses/phalaces with silent "h"
all along. The word "pen" means head as well so consider a few other words where
their dick worship shows up in penal colony, ( isn't the colon the place where the
sun don't shine and makes sense as to why they're so into buggering little boys?),
penis, penitentiary, pencil, pentagon, pentagram(theft of divine feminine)
pendragon etc.....
It is more important to me that people begin to see the nature of the spell versus
the vastness of it and how destructively pervasive it is and how utterly distracted
most of the masses are in their own culling. Trying to fix your body before you clear
your mind of the garbage is like putting a brand new paint job on a car in the
junkyard and why i get so adamant about getting out of the distractions. You can
make a junk yard car look great but it's not going anywhere and the simple truth is,
we are all driving mental Ferrari’s in a parking lot boxed in by some very clever
beings. What part of “Ment-All” did you not hear? We create our own future, each
and every one of us and if the focus is maintained on the physical, you're going to
miss the real show and you'll be culled along with those that are yet still sleeping.
Here's the good news about that and I always refer to the law of dominant
frequencies for this clearing up of nonsense. How many of you are trying or have
tried to awaken someone up that you knew to be sleeping be it a friend family
member or otherwise? I will simply ask you to stop trespassing on their free will
choice to experience life where they are at. You need only empower yourself to
have the dominant frequency effect. Do you know why the "follow the crowd" is so
powerful? It's because there are some that know how to dominate the frequencies
to make it very uncool not to follow the trends. How down did you feel after trying
and failing and ultimately pissed off someone for trying to awake them? Is that a
good energy to be in and more so, share? Yeah, you'd best stop that because you
are creating an obligation and a double cross while trespassing on the most
fundamental law of them all; free will choice and consent.
How long would it take for you to get pissed off if someone walked into your room
while you're sleeping and wake you every hour on the hour? It's a different story if
you ask someone to wake you at a certain hour and it is only the inevitable consent
I'm seeking and waiting for. It is only important for you to power your own inner
light up and that is done with knowledge, then knowledge put into action creating
wisdom. You then become part of a higher frequency that is engulfing this planet
right now where all lower frequencies rise to the new dominant one of positive light.
Yes, even those most evil and sleepy will have to awaken as a result where they too
get a chance to re-pen-t (sun of god in the head/mind of love). This physical realm is
merely a playground that has been corrupted by the very few but we are equally
responsible for allowing it to happen in the first place via our childlike innocence
(in-no-sense) but we are getting wiser and vibrating higher by the second if the
illusion of time be considered.
It is also no coincidence that the Age of Pisces was the age in which the darkest
aspects came into light and why the Vatican goonies wear their fish hats and
became fishers/fissures of men. They got us hooked by phonics, sending forth our
altared creations through our pearly gates in and of our own ignorant consent and
all we have to do, is to take the hook out of our mouths and stop taking their bait
because they are the master-bait-oars of the highest/lowest order. I will also finish
up with this. Look at the word "aura" split in two to form au-Ra. Au is the periodic
table symbol for gold and Ra is the sun of god which is you, not the one in the sky
since that is only a re-fleck-shun of your true inner self. Those that have made a
mess of this place with our help are here to mine our true gold, our creative energy,
our aura....not the gold in the ground. No, they got us to help them destroy the
consciousness of our Mother Gaia first where we were traders/traitors of her first
and now, with their BOND created money, they have us cannibalizing each other
where our true gold is simply being given away and culled like any other no minded,
soulless crop. This is where you have the choice to be hooked, rooked and cooked
by/for/of/in/on/as phonics or not. Silence truly is golden; long may you
shine.....much love, kate of gaia 

Did you know you're a criminal if...... Kate of Gaia

*Please note: these are FACTS, not theories. Attention " Freemen on the Land/Sovereignty gurus,
Sovereign " citizens, patriots, humanity in general etc.
1. ...If you use or claim to use/own the NAME you think is yours but isn't because it was GIVEN to the CROWN
CORPORATION/church/state by your parents at birth?
2. ...If you claim OWNERSHIP of anything REGISTERED because ALL things/people REGISTERED are PROPERTY OF
3. You are automatically deemed a thief if you claim ANYTHING/EVERYTHING that has the NAME you claim
fraudulently as yours on a REGISTRATION/OWNERSHIP and why COURTS and POLICE can and will "steal" what you
think are your belongings but aren't and actually are only reclaiming what was willfully GIVEN to the CROWN, their
CERTIFICATE with minimal information.
4. You are a morally and sexually depraved criminal if you carry a LICENSE of any kind. License comes from the word
"Licentious" and it has proof of your FALSE IMPERSONATION NAME you claim in fraud on it.
5. The courts have YOU automatically in DISHONOUR if you claim the NAME you think is you and you become
SURETY for the BOND created in that NAME called a BIRTH CERTIFICATE and you do so WILFULLY in ignorance.
JOINDER/LIABILITY on YOU can only be created when YOU claim THEIR legal NAME that THEY, the CROWN owns
and NO COURT can touch you if you don't. The Name is the pin on the hand grenade that THEY are terrified of, so
pull it.
6. Only BAR members (Lawyers/judges) have RIGHT of COPYRIGHT use to maintain their "honour" in the courtroom
and why those claiming to be a NAME REPRESENTING "themselves" CANNOT be heard because YOU are deemed
DEAD; Dead men tell no tales.
7. All bank accounts, mortgages, loans, businesses, children, MARRIAGES/DIVORCES etc. REGISTERED/CREATED in
the NAME you think is you are actually PROPERTY of the CROWN and any attempt to claim them is a wilful and
ignorant ACT of FRAUD and all things contained within these CONTRACTS are CHURCH/STATE/CROWN PROPERTY.
8. All IDENTIFICATION created from the BIRTH CERTIFICATE NAME you think is yours is FALSE IMPERSONATION and
FALSE IDENTITY using the PROPERTY of the CROWN without permission and is a CAPITAL OFFENSE. Anyone claiming
to be a NON-BAR member TITLE such as a Police Officer is actually FALSE IMPERSONATION two-fold because they
don't have RIGHT OF COPYRIGHT USE like everyone else.
9. This FRAUD from the CROWN CORPORATION is EASILY dispelled and REVERSED by exposing the CROWN
CORPORATION's (owners thereof) INTENT to DECEIVE/AID AND ABET humanity into FRAUD via ignorance of these
For further information please visit: http://kateofgaia.wordpress.com and see "kate's writings" of "The Long and
Short of it" and "I, who Shall Not Be Named" for starters. There are many other works there to expose the "How"
humanity got enslaved AND the way to get out of it. This Pill will be the hardest one in your life to swallow but not
nearly as choking as to the system that literally owns you, lock, stock and barrel.

On the other side of the veil is a collective of energy ~ Hayleys Writings to Ponder

" On the other side of the veil is a collective of energy , now this in words is hard to explain but it splits out onto and within every single human being, whilst staying on the other side of the veil and without sparking a collective visual recognition.
Try to see it for a moment as a vibration that inherently is within us all, it holds the capabilities of every human upon this earth, it is cooperative , it knows the truth of what is going on within this archonically influenced delusion, if you know this truth, it makes you no better, it merely makes you compatible with a higher vibrational resonance, If you understand what i say here, you are in a minority and seemingly, we will always be in a minority. There is unlikely to be ever a time where all of earth will awaken and know that which we know, that is not the potential of us and has never been the potential of us, Did we know that less than 1 half of 1% of humanity has to awaken, in order for us to do what we will do as a species, for the rest of us as a species to consciously evolve? You will become the light...
 Our whole universe is cooperating with YOU in order to create peace on earth, i wish not to tell you how i know this but i ask for you to hear that not every ship has it's own light-house, Just 1 light house could light the path of a million ships and guide them safely to harbour! Think about that a for a moment..."

Too often we feel we are put in a position with this system of 'life' and we must trudge along within this disharmonic state but why? maybe because our parents did, and their parents did and their parents did and so on; but our system is seeming to be a set-up of which we can never find remedy of any kind within, leading me to the nest step of looking without the system. Why think inside or outside the box when we can eradicate the very box or DEAD legal NAME of which enslaves us?
This life we live is not pre destination like we try to believe to salvage what little defence we have toward our clear ignorance, but pre disposition, that is to say a 'potential only', depending on that what happens next, depending on what each and every man/woman or child chooses to do with the intent to better or elivate the mindstate of humanity thus destroying any archonic system or dellusion put within the mind of man.
Like a parasite the archons feed on our fear and disconnection with our planet/mother thus creating the ability to infiltrate the mind and make us see their virtual reality/Hal/Hell as truth of what reality is... To at least have the pure intent to re-connect to our mother/planet/sophia gaea is enough to spark the frequency required to feel what i am explaining here.
 However with a great 'Life' change there is Always, always a potential of karma so strong it will change the very earth of those whom walk upon it.
 Losing my physical mom was and still can be so debilitating it takes Our family to zero, it beats up Our emotion and makes me grovel on my knees and cry out to god, sometimes in anger, sometimes in desperation, BUT always in an agony i can only equate to sorrow, BUT that agony and desparation  is where i found my light, I know although a split occurred & i've spent the past almost 5 years trying to reconnect, there was never a loss of connection as such, only the loss of visual translation through the physical form. The putting of my moms apparently lifeless body/vessel in the soil sparked within an allegory of putting my love back into the earth which gave me a re-collection of eternity i couldn't begin to explain in words. After that day i could feel the presense/pre-essence of my mom and other 'life' i once thought i had lost forever. This is very difficult (for me anyway) to put into a word form to explain mostly because somethings cannot be expressed nor explained wth words alone.
 On the other side of the veil is a collective of energy, it splits out onto and within every single human being, whilst staying on the other side of the veil and without sparking a collective visual recognition.
Try to see it for a moment as a vibration that inherently is within us all, it holds the capabilities of every human being upon this earth, it is cooperative , it knows the truth of what is going on, if you know this truth, it makes you no better, it merely makes you compatible with a higher vibrational resonance within the present now. If you understand what i say here, you are in a minority and seemingly, we will always be in a minority. There is unlikely to be ever a time where all of earth will awaken and know that which we know, that is not the potential of us and has never been the potential of us, Did we know that less than 1 half of 1% of humanity has to awaken, in order for us to do what we will do as a species, for the rest of us as a species to consciously evolve? You will become the light...
 Our whole universe is cooperating with YOU in order to co-create peace on earth and eradicate this virus of mind once and for all.
 "Not every ship has it's own light-house, Just 1 light house could light the path of a million ships and guide them safely to harbour, so long as it holds onto to the light it was given!" 


This page is designed to give you information on all of the Archangels, their purpose and how each one helps us, so you will know who to call on when you are in need. There's also information on which crystal to wear or carry with you to help you attune to their energies.
Remember that you can never call on them too often, or "overload" them as they are able to help multitudes of people simultaneously - they are there waiting to help you, and love to be asked.
Simply call on them by name, either out loud, or just talk to them from your heart.

Archangel Ariel

Name meaning: "Lioness of God"
Assists with courage and prosperity. Archangel Ariel will help us to believe that all things are possible and will help those of us who call upon her to manifest positive results through our beliefs and intentions. Ariel also oversees the elemental world (fairies, sprites etc) and is involved with healing and protecting animals, fish and birds too.
Crystal affinity: Rose Quartz.

Archangel Azrael

Name meaning: "Whom God helps"
Azrael's chief role is to help people to cross over to heaven at the time of physical death, assisting them with the transition. If you have lost someone, you can call upon him to bring you comfort and support. He will also assist with healing the heart and can also help us to sleep better at night and put our minds at ease when worried, lonely or stressed.
Crystal affinity: Yellow Calcite.

Archangel Chamuel

Name meaning: "He who sees God"
Will help you with love, confidence and career matters. Chamuel can lift you from the depths of sorrow and find love in your heart. Chamuel helps us to renew and improve existing relationships as well as finding our soul mates. He works with us to build strong foundations for our relationships (as well as careers) so they're long-lasting, meaningful and healthy.
Crystal affinities: Fluorite and Rose Quartz.

Archangel Gabriel

Name meaning: "Strength of God"
Aids us with creativity, communication, the ability to guide others and nurturing the inner self. She is a powerful and strong Archangel, and those who call upon her will find themselves pushed into action that leads to beneficial results. She also assists with conception, childbirth, adoption and parenting, and loves to help us nurture our own inner child too.
Crystal affinity: Citrine.

Archangel Haniel

Name meaning: "Glory of God"
Will help us with energy, mothering and passion for life. She also helps us to appreciate and love ourselves more. It is also said that she can help to recover the lost secrets of natural healing remedies. You can also call on Haniel to help bring beauty, harmony and loving friends into your life.
Crystal affinity: Moonstone.

Archangel Jeremial

Name meaning: "Mercy of God"
Guides us through change and solving problems. He is able to help us make life changes, by helping us to review our life so we can correct things we are unhappy about by making positive adjustments, thus making us stronger and leading us along the right path.
Crystal affinity: Amethyst.

Archangel Jophiel

Name meaning: "Beauty of God"
Helps us to nurture our dreams, disperse clutter from our lives and to connect with nature. He will illuminate our creative spark by giving us ideas and energy to carry out artistic ventures. He also helps us to see the beauty in all things, including people. As well as helping our creativity, Jophiel can be called on if you need more joy and laughter in your life.
Crystal affinities: Pink Tourmaline or Pink Rubellite.

Archangel Metatron

Will help you with motivation and organisation, also chakra alignment, and may send you spiritual guidance through your dreams. He likes to work with children too, (particularly psychic or sensitive children) and he loves to help those of us who work amongst the younger generation.
Crystal affinity: Watermelon Tourmaline.

Archangel Michael

Name meaning: "Who is like unto God"
Michael is the leader of all the Archangels and is in charge of protection, courage, strength, faith, truth and integrity. He protects us physically, emotionally and psychically. He stands ready with his sword to protect all who call upon him for assistance, and he helps to dispel our fears and worries too, giving us the strength and guidance to see us through any darker times that we may go through. Call upon him also to cut through any cords which bind you to people or past memories, enabling you to move forward with your life.
Crystal affinity: Sugalite.

Archangel Raguel

Name meaning: "Friend of God"
The “Archangel of Justice and Fairness”, he helps to resolve arguments, assists with cooperation and leads to harmony in groups and families. If asked, he will offer assistance toward discovering balanced, harmonious, peaceful resolutions to disputes and disagreements, both in our personal and professional lives. He also helps us to sort out our inner feelings.
Crystal affinity: Aquamarine.

Archangel Raphael

Name meaning: "Healing power of God"
Raphael is a very powerful healer and assists with all forms of healing - humans and animals. He helps to rapidly heal body, mind and spirit. He's very sweet, loving, kind and gentle. He is also the Archangel in charge of travel, and you can call upon him for protection and safety before embarking on any journey.
Crystal affinity: Malachite.

Archangel Raziel

Name meaning: "Secret of God"
He is said to know all the secrets of the universe and helps with spirituality and clairvoyance. He can open you up to higher levels of psychic abilities and increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance. He also helps with alchemy, divine magic and manifestation.
Crystal affinity: Clear Quartz.

Archangel Sandalphon

Sandalphon's chief role is to carry human prayers to God so they may be answered. He assists us with peace, tranquillity and faith, and helps us to appreciate all the miracles (however large or small) in our lives. He is also the Archangel associated with music and you will feel his presence more strongly when you listen to music, sing, or play a musical instrument.
Crystal affinity: Turquoise.

Archangel Uriel

Name meaning: "God is light"
Helps us with ideas and inspiration, and is considered one of the wisest Archangels because of his intellectual information, practical solutions and creative insight, but he is very subtle. You may not even realize he has answered your prayer for help until you've suddenly come up with a brilliant new idea.
Crystal affinity: Amber.

Archangel Zadkiel

Name meaning: "Righteousness of God"
Will help us with clarity, forgiveness and new ideas. He also assists with emotional healing. He works on the rays of transmutation (change from one form/state to another). Place all your troubles and difficult relationships within his flame so that all negativity is transmuted into positive vibrations.
Crystal affinity: Lapis Lazuli.


TYPES OF ANGELS  that  you may call upon for assistance

The term "Angels" is a generic term for a bunch of heavenly beings.  They are all in Service to God. Remember, Angels are Spirit, the Office that defines them is one of a messenger.
According to custom, there are several technical Orders of Angelic Beings. I will go over them briefly, but I am not concerned with the technical terms. I do not wish to dwell on this hierarchy. If you are interested in the hierarchy, there is a lot of information out there. This organization of Angels came from a sixth century book by Dionysus the Areopagite, a Disciple of St. Paul, and is considered the standard in the Western World.

Remember, these Beings are Spirit, it is the nature of their work with humans, that make them "Angels" or messengers.

The First Sphere, heavenly counselors:

Second Sphere, heavenly governors:

Third Sphere, heavenly messengers.

Of interest to me, in particular, are the "Angels".
These "Angels" are the traditional Guardian Angels, but it might be more appropriate to think of them as our Companions and Guides, as they help to guide us to a higher consciousness and awareness. These angels are usually the personal 'Companion Angels' that help us, although it is not always the case. Angels that work with humans will vary as to the type of work that they're involved in and our specific needs.

There are many types of Beings that you can work with. The following is an incomplete list of them, but should help you to get the idea. I suggest that for general purposes, you ask for help from the Being that is appropriate to your situation.

Angels respond to our sincere request for help. That sincerity is all that you need to work with them.

These Beings hear our cries and pleas for help and in their Love for us, they come. So don't try to control anything, just leave it up to them!

Remember, these Beings are not available for strictly selfish purposes. They are all here PRIMARILY for your spiritual growth and well being. So here is a list of some of the types of Angels that you may be interacting with:

Angels of Metamorphosis and Change. Like the caterpillar that changes to the butterfly, these spirits deal with matters of life and death and birth, both physical and spiritual. Concerned with endings and beginnings, they help you to prepare for a transformation or metamorphosis that will occur in your life. It may be painful, but it will be worth it.

Mission Angels. You are looking for the purpose and the mission of your life. Ask for assistance and begin to understand your mission, as well as your deepest hopes and dreams.

Relationship Angels. These helpers work with couples, groups and all relationships. If there is a relationship in your life that needs healing, invite one into your relationship or group situation and ask for healing, a transmutation or moderation of the issues involved.

Angels of Communication. They will help you in all matters involving communication, and when you think of it, communication is essential in many areas of life. Ask them for the clarity you need and the understanding to be able to not only get your point across, but to understand where the other person(s) is/are coming from.

Angels of Grace. Grace comes into our life and changes us forever after. They assist us in becoming aware of the joy in our lives or to let it into our lives, more fully. Smile! They remind us to grant Grace to another Being. We are all connected.

Angels of Growth. These gentle beings help us when we are ready to grow. They help to improve us and to restore our inner balance. They can also transform our physical bodies and increase our capacity for awareness. This process can be unsettling and disconcerting. At times you may experience aching, flu-like symptoms when they work on you. If you feel aching and feverish, yet are not really sick; if it clears up in a few days and then you feel great, you have been worked on by this spirit!

Angel of Harmony. This harmony and balance allows all of the Universe to manifest and grow. This allows true creativity. The harmony is the connection and Oneness with all. This Angel allows you to understand that you are an instrument of transformation. Leave a space for peace and harmony to enter your life.

Angels of the Outdoors. The so-called Devas, Fairies, Gnomes, Elves, Dryads, etc. Also the spirits of the wind, rain, lightening, etc. They live in the plants, trees, animals, rocks, streams, lakes, etc. They work with people to bring us into balance with Nature and the outdoors.

The Dream Master and other Dream Angels. Call for this Master or his helpers when you are drifting off. They may take you to other planes of reality. If you ask, one will come to help open your eyes to the illusion and the reality in your life. Always a surprise! Ask for answers to your problems and questions in Dreams. Expect Guidance from a dream.

Angels of Unity . These friends remind us of the harmony in life. Unite with one; pray, focus on one, meditate or just reach out. Feel the Oneness with all living things.

Renewal Angels. You have an aspect of your life that has limited you in some way, this has interfered with your Wellness of body, mind or spirit. Perhaps you are now ready to let go, be cleansed or healed. Trust and let go! These fellows help us to fully accept our limitations and then to move beyond them.

Angels of Integration and Balance. They help to bring us to balance! They deal with us in our extremes. If we are speeding through life, they help us to slow down. If we are sluggish, they help to jazz us up! They also are experts with the integration of your personality. Few of us can do without their help! This energy helps us to balance our lives, in every way.

Insight Angels. These Angels give information to any who seek it. The information can come directly through speaking, writing, intuition, etc. or indirectly, by Guidance. (In a book, movie, snatches of song, etc.) They love to work in spiritual workshops such as these!

Angels of Inventions and Creativity. These friends remind us that all is of God, including our creations and high tech tools! Computers, keyboards, power tools, etc. If you treat your tools and your creations with reverence, they will be blessed and dedicated to the service of God.

Angels of Compassion. These Angels remind us to have compassion and empathy for all of life. Be of assistance to someone and learn the power of charity. It will bring you joy and blessings!

Dissolving Angels. These friends help us let go of things that we don't need anymore! You can't stop the change and it can be painful if we are holding onto something or someone that we need to let go of to go. Let this friend help you to dissolve the old worn out ties that bind you. Let go!

Memory Angels. These Angels help us to bring forgotten memories into your conscious mind. Call on this friend when you need to remember something. It is said that these Angels work with Balancing and integrating Angels, which makes sense!

Angels of Laughter and Joy. This friend helps us to remember to lighten up! When we let ourselves laugh, things don't look so bad. They urge you to do something for yourself that will make you feel good. Open up to laughter and light!

Angels of Trust. These friends help us to trust---ourselves and others. Let go of your fears and dare to trust!

Angels of Hope. This friend reminds us that everything we do DOES make a difference. Allow hope into your life and see the results. The change begins here!

Angels of Acceptance. This Being helps us to begin to accept life. Also concerned with self-love. Call on them to learn about acceptance of ourselves, others and every situation that arises. When you feel that forgiveness is necessary, remember that it is but a step on the path of acceptance and unconditional love for others.

Angels of Clarity. When confusion reigns supreme, call upon this friend to understand the details and peculiarities of the situation. The most sensitive person cannot make use of their gifts to the fullest without clarity.

Angels of Patience. They remind us that patience is an asset that we can all make use of. When we feel that things just aren't going fast enough to suit us, call upon this friend to help us to be patient.

An Angel of Manifestation. Yes, these friends can and will help us to manifest things that we really need for our highest spiritual growth. If it doesn't fall in this category, though, you may be out of luck. And remember, they know if it really is in your best interests or not!! Remember the saying that "you should be careful what you ask for...because you might get it"! State your intent clearly and then be ready for the answer.

An Angel of Silence. When we need to be still and to listen to our small, quiet voice inside, whether that of our High Self or our Angels, ask for this friend to help. "Be still and know yourself; be still and know God." Also helpful when we need help with what to say and what NOT to say!

An Angel of Tolerance. Tolerance is a remedy for anger, lust, jealousy, gossiping, resentment, criticism, tantrums, etc. If you get into a turmoil, this friend will help you. There is no judgement to be found here, only acceptance.

An Angel of Love. This Angel is not to be confused with desire for things of the physical, whether people or things. This Being represents the ability to master every adverse condition known to Human Beings. This type of Love is the Glue of the Universe. Let it make you whole.

An Angel of Discernment and Truth. This Being helps you to begin to understand what is good for your spiritual development and growth and what is a waste of your time. Ask for help to see these areas clearly, for yourself, so that you may develop discernment.

An Angel of Detachment. Detachment is a key step in the path to Self-Mastery. It is very normal for people to have desires, goals, wishes, etc....what can be a problem is an inappropriate attachment to having these things or to the outcome of a situation you have counted on. This stands in the way of our development spiritually. Ask for help in practicing loving detachment.

OUR OWN "COMPANIONS ALONG THE WAY" These are our dear Guardian Angels and Guides that stay with us, help us, teach us, put up with us and love us no matter what! They can serve in most of the capacities above at some point or another and are always, uniquely themselves.

A Person who acts in an Angelic capacity. Sometimes a person comes into our lives and gives us what we really need. It could be Guidance, a loan, a kind word, or anything we need. This person may be a stranger, a relative, a friend, anyone. When a person acts in this capacity, they are acting as a helper of the Universe. Beings of all types can be aligned and utilized in this way, including YOU!


People have a tendency to think that all communication is like the movies will show----you see a vision of this magnificent Being and start to have a nice conversation! This is rarely the case and people sometimes will be upset or discount their experiences until they drop their expectations and begin to understand the different methods and combinations of methods that they use to get through to us. There are endless ways that they may use to reach you!

AUDITORY: You may hear a voice. It may sound a lot like yours, or it may be unfamiliar and / or accented. Music may be heard, before or during a message or music may be the message, like when some fragment of a tune may keep running through your head. Meditative, soul-vibration music can evoke feelings that prove to be quite accurate. You may compose or channel music, if you are so inclined. You may be "pushed" to turn on the radio at just the right time to hear a snatch of a song that has a message in it. People in our culture tend to be more open to music than many forms of communication.

VISUAL: This is when you actually "see" the Angels and Masters, or you may be seeing symbols or pictures in your mind, or maybe around a person you are talking to. You may see something over and over again, put in your path by your Angel. In your meditations you see images that your Angel has sent you. They can be fragments, or follow a story line. Or you can see something ordinary and in that moment, it becomes overlaid with meaning. Or you may recall some memory from this life or a past-life that relates directly to what you are questing about. Colors can become very significant also. We tend to place an emotion with a color in a very personal way, so seeing a color "jump out at you" can be meaningful. The pictures may be like a slide show, rather than a movie.

UNIVERSAL SYMBOLS: (Jungian, Gestalt, personal) These are your personal totems, including symbols, animals, etc. This type of communication can also include the use of various types of tools that utilize symbols, such as the Tarot, I Ching, Numerology, Runes, Astrological charts, etc. Nearly everyone has seen objects in clouds, curtains, walls, etc. Messages can be transmitted in this fashion. Symbols that we receive may be ones that "haunt" us for years and require the gradual unfolding and processing of years of work. (For many years I saw the image of a blue pyramid, which was meaningless until I had an insight, as an adult). Animals, insects, etc. can also bear messages, although it is not as common in this culture as it is in others.

KINESTHETIC: You feel their energy field brush through or immerse yours (This can be subtle or profound). You may feel a touch on the shoulder, or elsewhere, depending on each persons' receptivity to touch. This is a fairly common occurrence. Other common forms of kinesthetic communications include automatic writing, sculpting, painting, drawing, etc.

VERBAL: This is when you open your mouth and you hear something amazing come out and you wonder "Where did that come from"?!

DREAMS: Your Angels speak to you through your dreams. Dreams need to be remembered to be of the most benefit to you, however. Therefore, it is NECESSARY to keep a dream journal, especially in the beginning. The dreams may be censored in some manner, protecting you from spiritual shocks by disguising the message. Your Angels may look different than they would at normal times, but you suspect, feel or "know" it is actually them, no matter how they look. The way they look may have a direct bearing on where you are at in your life at this time. It can be quite comical or dramatic; they have to go to great lengths at times to get your attention! We will cover dreams more later.

OLFACTORY: You may perceive an intense smell or fragrance that is closely associated with some feeling, memory or experience in the past or future. (As an event unfolds, you may remember that you smelled this odor before, and it may give you a much needed clue as to what is going on.)

TASTE: All senses can be utilized, including taste. It is used as a symbol, much the way a smell is. i.e. chicken soup. An analogy about taste is included later in the class.

INTELLECTUAL / TELEPATHIC: This is a seed thought which is "planted" and expands from the center of your mind, radiating into your mind as a sudden awareness. It is a very complete awareness.

KNOWINGNESS: This is hard to explain to someone who has not experienced it, but it is the most common form of communication. Closely related to the intellectual / telepathic method, you simply have an absolute certainty about some event, question, situation, etc., and know exactly what the answer, action to be taken, etc., is. No one can convince you otherwise, People tend to underestimate the power and real elegance of this method.

ACTUAL PHYSICAL PRESENCE: This probably happens quite a bit, however, most people will not recognize them at the time! For most, this method will usually be used in unusual situations, ot in emergencies, and not by all Angels.

THE FEELING OF A PRESENCE: This type of awareness is quite important and needs to be mentioned. It is the hard to define, yet very definite feeling of a "presence," an Energetic Quality. This may be accompanied by feelings of great love emanating from the presence. This is often felt over a shoulder. Female energy is often over the left, male over the right, but this is not a hard and fast rule. This is also a very common form of experience.

HIGH SELF: The High Self is a kind of reflection of the soul. It is the closest we come to our to our individual essence while in the physical body. The High Self is the means we use to reach our Guides, and as stated earlier, the ability to interact and communicate with our Guides depends upon the clarity of the connection with the High Self. That clarity and communication depends upon being "Grounded". The integration with the High Self is a process of moving into and out of harmony with ourselves, over and over.
Sometimes it seems as if we are "in the flow" and everything is moving easily and effortlessly. Other times it may not be that simple. Sometimes it can seem like we will never feel that ease again. This is a natural rhythm of life and as the saying goes: "what goes up, must come down". The opposite is also true. If you are in a time where your communication is just not happening, stop trying, give it a rest and know that it will start again. Maybe you have been overdoing it and need to take a break! Be patient!!
As time goes on and our commitment is strong, we move into the flow for longer and longer periods of time. But it is not a linear process. It is two steps forward and one back. The High Self is not a Guide, but it is often called an "inner teacher". (This is different from the Inner Master-- the Inner Master is a real Being who is there to Guide you.) Some paths consider the High Self a separate entity, but the High Self is best considered as part of the interrelated whole.

"Waking Dreams" This is a strange and wonderful way that your Angel will communicate with you. This works for almost anyone. It involves having a sign or a symbol that is meaningful to you, that serves as a link or a cue from your Angel to you. It boils down to an increase in your awareness, everyday.  Awareness of  your surroundings, your feelings, thoughts, etc.  It is an almost magical way that these methods come together for some people.
It can be a very simple event, such as meeting someone on a bus -- a total stranger-- and having a conversation somehow begin, about the exact  thing that was bothering you. You go away feeling much better, musing on how nice it was that you needed that very conversation to help you get perspective, and then, what do you know, there it was...
It can be more complex, taking the form of a series of coincidences or happenings that give you information, warnings, reassurances; whatever you need for your spiritual growth.  If I hear the same thing three times from three different sources over a week or so, then I start to pay attention to that information. It almost always proves to be something valuable to my growth.

Our Angel friends don't know everything, and they may specialize in certain areas, just as we do. Don't expect them to be able to do it all!