Tuesday 29 October 2013

Are you looking for the Legal name fiction in order to commit fraud or are you looking for the lawful name and living being?

The (Temple) BAR Association has Esquires on this land that help with the takeover that the Vatican did in 1812 when the U.S. lost the war and the Brits decided that making the natives be-LIE-ve they were free was a better way to control slaves, so the flag was kept and the lies implemented.
If you consent, you are a slave.

Lose the DEAD legal crown copyright birth certificate name and we can finally win their evil (opposite of LIVE) soul chastising game I AM not a person either but i have been called a person, i will only 'have' that which exists and a fictitious creation made with the birth certificate of which was created with assumption, presumption, deceit, SPELLings and unclean hands that i could never use without automatically being in dishonor and a position of fraud is something i will not have... Let the un-clean 'have' their unclean creations

When you/we/i finally step out of the whores jurisfiction whilst allowing no assumption or presumption to be created via LEGAL ID/identification of which gives them the legal joinder with you/me and the dead entity/legal fiction/crown copyright name they needed to put you in dishonour and a position of fraud. You can then step into being a supreme sovereign creator within common law jurisdiction and that bit of fact or truth is scaring the shit out of 'them' especially now their 'top man' within the BABYLONdon whores jurisfiction has brought upon 'them' the 'corps/dead/legal/commercial/corpse' an 'apocalypse'-apocalypse meaning the lifting of the veil of ecclesiastical immunity in form of the apostolic letter issued 'moto proprio' which came into force 2013, 1st sept. not that they ever truely had any spiritual immunity the ignorant f*ckers but now they have had the little ritual in order to let them see any ecclesiastical/spiritual immunity they once were deluded into be-LIE-ving they had, has NOW well and truely gone gone gone, did i say gone yet?

Lawful keeps you in common law, LEGAL makes you DEAD and puts you in fraud.
REMEMBER DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES. Therefore dead men can speak no truth, no nothing as they have no voice/life...,
Now could that be why a judge might tell us they cannot HEAR us when we claim in a court room under the LEGAL name?

YOU, Same as I, Are NOT the LEGAL NAME, Yes it is your Lawful name BUT within LEGAL-LAND it is always ASSUMED AND PRESUMED you are the DEAD LEGAL fiction/Legal/crown copyright NAME through legal identification thus creating the legal joinder with the legal name they needed to put you in dishonour and a position of fraud

In the words of Kate of Gaia "Ye are a God... Now fucking act like one!"
unfortunately....by using a LEGAL NAME you never disclosed your own fraudulent position either....when one seeks to blame another via a situation, best take full measure of self as in what role did you play to enable this system in the first place...honour and dishonour....that is the only contract here
let he who is blameless, cast the first stone...in short...best get to the truth mirror
one cannot serve two masters...you are either a fraud committing LEGAL NAME or a lawful living name that has no ID-entity attached to it making you dead by your own consent ♥


Creating Joinder between me the living and the LEGAL name
It would not be easy for them as i have absolutely no legal identification what so ever, no licenses, passport, bank cards, credit cards nothing, nor have i ever voted or given the power of my voice knowingly to anyone (i'm 30 years young allegedly) not because i knew any of what i now know but because i never felt the need to or right in doing so.

Saying that I do like to carry on me a copy of the fraud created with unclean hands a.k.a Birth/Berth Certificate, to be honest mostly to see the reaction and 'plant seeds of thought' when i offer it to any asking for ID explaining the fraud and how they can, if they wish to use said document/certificate to identify me knowing words on paper can clearly not be me! so they will be committing fraud and i do wash my hands of it thus any joinder created will be their SOUL responsibility and I will play no part in theirs or any other fraudulent misconduct.

I have never been arrested nor have i EVER entered a courtroom under the LEGAL name and i have no intention of ever being so. To me that is proof the deception starts and ends with the certification of birth  it's usually at that point i explain I AM now invoking  (invoking because I AM calling on spirit in prayer, as a witness, or for inspiration as appose to EVOKE to me implying i am using an exterior force or something without me) my duty to remain silent. as of yet i have never been 'arrested', usual reaction is "your insane love, we got better stuff to do" as they walk off...

 A friend recently told me "My Grandfather always said that insanity has the highest form of rationale. It does not require controlling dictates, and knows right from wrong. Those that would has you believe the opposite are those that attempt to turn good to bad." says it all

As for summonsing... That is for the DEAD, and DEAD is quite the opposite of what or who I AM.
Carry NO LEGAL identification, 'ID' id meaning dead entity, now why would i carry anything holding the assumption and/or pressumtion that i am dead?

Court?? ... they truely would have to 'drag' me in there willing to bare full responsibility for their foolish actions.

What about Judges?
What about Judges?? Any man whom has a title of 'Judge' to me knows nothing of who I AM, who we are and worst of all who he is. For me, as humans we started this mess the moment we beLIEved another man/woman or child would, should or could judge us, i say it was this that gave us the idea/delusion that we longer need to judge or be mindful of our own actions. Why? because this 'judge' man whom clearly and unequivocally knows nothing about himself and even less about you or i, he can do it, he can be the one to decide for us what we can/cannot should/shouldnot. not to mention we must, in some way some how be lower than he in order for him to judge us. When we each know who the I AM is we do not judge, for by judging you i have already been judged... get it? 

venitian/phenitian/phonetician/phonics/phonetics- how the language of law was perverted maybe?

~The source for truth regarding the birth certificate fraud/deception as well as the exposure of the game in hand most of us are blindly playing without conscious knowledge of ever doing so.

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